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Year 7 Incursion
On Tuesday of this week, the wonderful team from 'Brainstorm Productions' presented a play to our students about cyberbullying. For many young people starting high school, this is the first time they might have had a phone and they are finally old enough to use social media to stay connected to their friends. However, while digital technologies can allow young people to feel connected and part of a community, it can also be a challenging space. This production challenged our young people to reflect on the choices they make when using technology and how they might respond when things go awry. The cohort were respectful of these wonderful performers and discussed some of these issues in more depth with their home group teachers.
The Year 7 Student Support Team wishes everyone a wonderful break and looks forward to seeing everyone of our students at the start of Term 3.
Angela Schneider
Library Update
CHS Reads hosted a book sale fundraiser in the library which has raised over $500 and is still counting. This is beyond what we hoped for and are so thankful for all of the support from students and staff who got in and purchased books at the sale. I would also like to give a huge thanks to everyone in the Coburg and Brunswick community who donated some fantastic books for the sale.
A big thanks to the three students who helped me set the whole thing up on Wednesday. Tea T, Nicole D and Tess V, your help and enthusiasm knows no bounds. Thanks!
A huge thanks goes to Virginia Mendoza for being my wingman at the sale itself. I could not have survived the onslaught of excited students purchasing their favourite books on my own.
Our IT team even got into the mix by becoming token librarians at the circulation desk while I was hosting the book sale. Thanks guys, you’re awesome!
It was a great fundraiser and we can’t wait to host another one in the not too distant future.
And don’t forget, the Library Trivia Master will be back at the beginning of term 3. Get your trivia brains ready!
Thanks from the library team.
Dianna Jarnet
Year 8
Coming off the back of 2020, this year the year 8’s have made a quick comeback to onsite learning and undergone a productive semester despite the multiple lockdowns. The year 8’s have done a brilliant job at adapting to COVID-19 in remote learning, engaging in valuable learning opportunities.
There have been a few hindrances regarding time management of Key Learning Tasks (KLT) and other classwork, however a majority of the Year 8s have done a profound job at completing astonishing work across Maths, Humanities, English, Languages, Health, PE and Specialist subjects and submitting them on time.
The Year 8s have also taken initiative in arranging various student-led clubs ranging from Diplomacy club to D&D club as well as engaging in extension and enrichment programmes seeking opportunities to elaborate on their everyday learning.
During semester one, the Student Voice Leaders (SVL) organised various events for the year 8 students during the weekly meetings. In Term One the Year 8 cohort headed down to De Chene Reserve for a picnic/house sport competition. The SVLs have also organised a zoo excursion which unfortunately had to be cancelled due to COVID-19 restrictions. Currently, we’re planning a day in the city including ice skating and other activities.
We can not wait to see everyone back at the start of the second semester, and happy holidays!
Joshua M and Tyler D
Student Voice Leaders Year 8
VCE Expo
Our Year 10s learnt all about subjects for 2022 in our recent VCE Expo. This was held throughout the school day, followed by an evening webinar for parents and carers to join.
Year 9 into 10 Course Counselling
On the final day of Term 2 our Year 9s had a day of course counselling; one-to-one session with their teachers to plan subject choices for 2022. Parents and carers were able to join in remotely to be part of the discussion.
Term 2 Science has been lots of fun!!! With 7E we studied mixtures and solutions and experimented with classifying solutions and suspensions comparing the properties of each and they even got to make oobleck to demonstrate non-Newtonian fluids-pressure-dependent substances. We also started the physics unit man v's machines and looked at different forces, magnetism and weight v's mass - with some awesome practicals!
Our fabulous Year 12 Chemistry are now studying Organic Chemistry Unit 4 Area of Study 1 covering reaction pathways and synthesis. We have done some great practicals including electrolysis and electroplating and synthesis of esters - esters are used widely in the food and perfume industry used as flavourings and fragrances with fruity smells. We even found a unique fragrance a "fresh celery essence" that the students would like to market as Torrma by CHS Chanel!!! :)
Lakshmi Sharma
Dental Van
The Australian Dental Health Victoria Van will be coming to CHS the week of the 30th of August, onsite daily from 9am - 3:45pm. Eligible students who have returned signed consent forms will be taken out of class for their appointments, except for Year 12s who will be scheduled during their free periods or break times.
Some of the services they offered are: examinations, cleaning, fissure sealing, fillings, x-rays and more.
How it works : A section of the ADHV program operates through the Medicare Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS), which is a child dental grant that provides eligible children and teenagers aged between 2 and 17 up to $1000 for basic dental, capped over 2 consecutive calendar years.
If you are unsure if your child is eligible, you can still fill in your consent form. Australian Dental Health has a set procedure and will contact you if your child is not eligible for Medicare CDBS, however they will still be eligible for other entitlements.
Consent forms are due back by the July 13th (the first day of Term 3) to the front office.
For further information please visit