Remote Learning 4.0

We were very proud of the way in which our students and families adapted to remote learning.
Remote Learning 4.0 was resilience in action! Overcoming obstacles and challenges and pushing through even when the novelty of sleep-ins and pyjama Zoom meetings was wearing off.
Our teachers also did a great job of modifying tasks and promoting wellbeing activities to motivate and continue the learning of our students.
This has produced a great variety of work from students, such as this amazing photography collage from 8E:
In Spanish the Year 7s (in both remote and face-to-face learning) learnt about the life and work of Frida Kahlo, then drew their own abstract self portraits. Some chose to imagine themselves as adults, or express their own internal dialogues. Here are some portraits from Emma & Lourdes' classes:
As our senior students returned to begin exams the school grounds were even quiet enough at recess to revise for the Business exam on the usually busy path!