Junior School News

From the Head of Junior School

While we find ourselves yet again in a situation that is not ideal for learning I am immensely proud of the way our staff, students and families have approached Lockdown V5. 


When I say it is not ideal, I am not just referring to the academic outcomes. While it is harder for teachers to provide the instruction and feedback that would normally occur in the classroom, remote learning also limits the social and interpersonal development opportunities that occur in the classroom during lessons and in the playground each day. Learning how to take turns in a conversation, putting forward alternate views while also respecting the views of others, negotiating rules for games etc are all important skills. It is hard to practice these skills when at home and when interacting via Zoom. Our teachers are conscious of this and will be working with our students when we come back face-to-face to ensure additional opportunities for social and emotional development. 


Until then there are activities that students can undertake at home with family to help develop some of these skills. Spending time as a family to discuss current news and events, family rules and tasks or even favourite books and movies is a great way for children to experience negotiated social skills. I enjoyed hearing my own children, who are all home for lockdown, begin playing card games again at the family table. Needless to say, there was much raucous negotiating of rules! As the games continued there was also discussion about other favourite games and movies. These discussions involved clarifying questions, agreement and sometimes differing opinions. These are the types of discussions that occur regularly in the playground and classrooms. The value of similar discussions at home should not be underestimated. I would also encourage parents to take the time to discuss favourite stories from their childhood and why they were the favourites. 


While the lockdown is certainly not anyone’s preferred method of learning, it is a good time for our children to invest their time in some reading that they can share when we return. I look forward to hopefully seeing everyone back together next week. Until then I ask our students to keep active, keep connected with their classes and to make some time to help out around the house. I look forward to hearing about their favourite stories when we return.



Mr Donald Thompson

Head of Junior School



Preps During Remote Learning


The preps have been working on writing sentences, building towers as tall as themselves and playing lots of number games.  They have enjoyed showing their lego creations via our zoom session.  But what they have loved doing most is seeing and talking to their friends each morning.


Mr Micheal Robertson


Year One Sleepover

At the end of last term, our Year One students experienced their first overnight school camp. They had a day of school-based activities before heading to the Discovery Centre.  At the Discovery Centre they got to experience many science-based activities including the Vertical Slide!  This introduction into school camps is an important stepping stone for students and the beginning of great school camp memories. 


Year Four News

This week in 4M we celebrated Bella and Ava’s birthdays. Olivia gave Abe and Mrs Fisher a piano recital from her bedroom and we learnt about what it was like to go to school on the Goldfields.


Goldfields Letter

Dear Max,

How is your family?  I hope they are good. I hope your dog is getting better?

It is very noisy here in the Goldfields. I can barely get any sleep.  I can’t wait to get back to Melbourne.  I don’t really like it here in Sandhurst, but it is worth it to be here in a tent with ants in my pants and dirt, but including gold as well!!  I don’t really like digging for the gold but it is worth it if I want to get rich. 

We are not finding much gold now in the rivers or anywhere else so people are starting to make these things called poppet heads, I think that’s what they’re called.  Anyway, it helps people go down into the ground in the earth to collect gold underground.  I am currently above the ground writing this letter for you in my tent but after this letter, I will be heading down underground to get a lot of gold. 

In the school, we are learning about how to count, read and write.  It is actually very interesting but it is very hard to hear the teacher because it is very noisy because of all the noise coming from underground.  I’ve heard rumours that only a few people who go underground get rich with gold.  I hope I’m one of those few people. 

I hope you are having a great time at school.

From Finn


Year Six Decade Day

Year Six celebrated their Decade Day at the end of Term Two.  Students studied various decades in the twentieth century and presented their studies to the class as posters, slideshows, speeches and projects.  The students loved exploring the ‘olden days’ and the opportunity to culminate their studies with a dress-up day.


Divisional Soccer Tournament

On the 17th June our year Five and Six Boys and Girls teams represented Girton Grammar School admirably at the annual Sandhurst Division Soccer Competition. In wet and cold conditions our teams produced some very good results.


Our Girls played 5 games and didn’t lose one of them. They walked away with 3 draws and 2 wins which was a most admirable effort.  The girls would like to thank Poppy Cornelius and Zoe Cuthbertson for helping with everything from coaching and lines to warmups and cheering.


With only two girls in our team who play weekend soccer, we were able to come together, learn some skills and put a game plan into action.  A tremendous effort by all the girls.


Game 1 vs Spring Gully 0-0

Best Players:  M Jones, B Schelosky R. Flanagan

Game 2 vs St Francis 0-0

Best Players:  G Dobie, M Barber, V Steel

Game 3 vs St Josephs 1 - 0

Best Players:  S Ingram, H Williams, K Collins

Goals: V. Steel

Game 4 vs Holy Rosary 2- 1

Best Players:  O. Pitt, S. Cooney , A Marwood

Goals:  R. Flanagan, V. Steel 1

Game 5 vs Strathfieldsaye 0-0

Best Players:  R. Flanagan, S Mahony, V Steel


The boys played five games for the day. Girton lost their first two games but won their final three games and finished third overall. The team demonstrated excellent sportsmanship and teamwork throughout the tournament. The boys would like to thank William Bowles for refereeing and for assisting the team during the day. 

Game 1 vs Spring Gully 1-2

Goal: J. Joynson-Baker

Game 2 vs St Francis 0-3

Game 3 vs St Josephs 2-0

Goals: J. Joynson-Baker and C. Black

Game 4 vs Holy Rosary 3-0

Goals:  J. Joynson-Baker, J. Boucher (2)

Game 5 vs Strathfieldsaye 1-0

Goal: J. Boucher


Regional Cross Country


On Tuesday the 13th of July, I attended the Loddon Mallee Regional Cross-Country Championships in St Arnaud. I was competing in the boys under 11’s 3k event. 

I was feeling nervous on the drive over, but my butterflies went away quickly after I had gone for a warm-up jog with my coach. I also had friends from my St Theresa's football team also running, which helped keep me calm. I had worked hard leading up to the race, training on speed, hills, distance, and gym work.  


During the run, I got out in front early and was able to hold my pace. When I saw my Mum and Dad at the last 500 meters, I pushed hard to the finish line. 


I was so happy with my 1st place, and it was great to have lots of my family there to cheer me on. I am really looking forward to the State event but know that the competition will be tough. 


Hugh Casey (5 Millward)