Student Wellbeing

Hope is about positive beliefs when we have a clear goal in mind. It is about a belief that we can overcome challenges, adversity, and hostility.
Hope is not blindly expecting positive things to fall into your lap. Nor is it hoping that you will magically avoid every potential danger. To clarify, hope isn’t wishing. That is blind hope.
To be hopeful is to look at the future positively and, to see opportunity in challenges, rather than challenges in opportunities. In other words, it means to “look on the bright side of life”. It is the ability to see the possible good in future events, especially when those events are potentially detrimental. The opposite of hope is despair and dejection, and these have terrible health consequences.
Desmond Tutu once said, “Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness”, which is a beautiful definition of hope.
Scientific research conducted by positive psychology founder Martin Seligman, claims that hope reduces feelings of helplessness, boosts happiness, reduces stress, and improves the quality of life. Hopeful people can face even the worst times with a positive attitude. That is why hope is one of the most important personality qualities.
There are many health benefits of hope. For instance, it significantly improves our mental health because it provides positivity, it helps us through handle stress and anxiety.
Hope gives you motivation. It is the voice inside that says, “Yes, you can”. It is that voice that makes you work hard, that makes you learn new things and gives you the impetus to try.
Reference: Why Is Hope Important In Life? You Will Be Amazed!
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