From the College Principal

Dear Parents, Carers and Friends,


I am writing to you this week to for two distinct reasons.


The first one is to thank the many families who have paid their College Contributions, especially the Student Learning Support Charge. As you will be aware, the DET has changed its interpretation of the Parent Payment Policy to reclassify this item from “essential” to “voluntary.” It is very pleasing to see that many parents have continued to support the school, particularly in paying this charge. This is crucial, because it is this charge which funds many of our additional staff which the DET does not fund us for. These include additional members of our well-being team and IT support staff amongst others.


That said, we have collected significantly less from our school fees, overall, than we did last year. For us to maintain the levels of service and support for all of our students, I urge families to support the school by paying your school contributions if you have the means to do so.


The second reason I wanted to write to you was about the continuing issue of consent. 


As you may be aware, our SchoolTV resource contains many resources to help parents to be well informed in making decisions about how to raise their children. It was pleasing to see we had over 200 views of the resources on Vaping which I posted on Compass earlier in the week. SchoolTV has produced a special report on consent, and I urge all members of our parent and carer community to watch it, as it contains really helpful advice about how to broach this tricky topic with your children.


The special report can be found here:


The college will continue to refine, and deliver programs to teach our young people about consent, but I hope this resource will allow you to support us in a partnership, to make sure every young person understands, and importantly, gains consent before engaging in any sexual activity.


Have a lovely weekend.


Yours sincerely, 

Richard Minack 
