Reflections on Faith 

From the desk of the Religious Education Coordinator - Miss McMeniman

Catholic Schools Week and 200 Years of Catholic Education in Australia


This week sees us celebrating Catholic Schools Week and 200 years of Catholic Education in Australian Schools. At St. Joseph's Glen Innes, we are a Josephite school founded by Saint Mary MacKillop. The first Glen Innes Catholic School was opened on 21st January, 1884


Yesterday our Year 6 students attended the Diocesan Mass held at the Catholic Cathedral in Armidale. This was a beautiful and uniting celebration as each school in the diocese was represented. It was amazing to see everyone back together celebrating our faith. 


A reminder this Thursday is our olden day dress up day, reminiscing on the past and what students, teachers and the general public would have worn and the activities they would have engaged in. Very different to our lives today! Friday we will be celebrating our school's mass with Father Gleeson.


As we celebrate 200 year of Catholic Education in Australia, a theme song has been written and composed by Father Rob Galea. This song will be our 'anthem' throughout the week as we engage in various activities. Find the link below.