From the Head of Junior School

Term 2 Week 8


Professor Lea Waters, speaks often of the power of gratitude and the importance of expressing gratitude. According to Waters, when we notice and appreciate the good things happening in our life, we are giving space for higher levels of optimism, lower levels of stress and depression, better physical health and a better immune system response. All that comes from just being thankful! Even in the hardships, there will be good. It is a potent emotion which helps us to put the hardships into perspective. I don’t want people to ignore the things that aren’t going well – rather notice the good things.


It’s easy to say, ‘What are you grateful for?’ But try this – What went well today? Allow room for thought, reflection and engage your child’s honesty and ability to notice. 


Keep it simple, make it a daily habit and do it together, perhaps around the dinner table, in the car on the way home or just before bed. 


Ephesians 3:20 With God’s power working in us, he can do much, much more than anything we can ask or think of. This is something to be thankful for. 


In the last month, I am thankful for the things that went well: The Junior School Athletics Carnival, Year 5 Camp, Year 1 Nursing Home Visit, our Eisteddfod preparations, the end of season sporting results, School Registration, Kookaburra Club Inspection, Year 2 Swimming Lessons, Infants Gymnastics, Preps Theatre Trip, Year 3 Science Day and the successful completion of NAPLAN Online. 


I look forward to spending time with Year 6 next week in Canberra as they participate in their last Junior School Camp. 


Claire Dalziel 

Head of Junior School