Calrossy 2022 Uniform Concepts

Junior School Boys Winter and Girls Summer Dress
Junior School Boys Winter and Girls Summer Dress

School uniforms are integral to a school’s identity and with our new structure, Calrossy Anglican School, would like to move towards a uniform that conveys our unique learning journey and represents us as a whole school.

Calrossy is exploring options as part of establishing a new formal uniform across the School from Kindergarten – Year 12. We have been working with Noone Imagewear and a special School committee for some time on this process. We are now calling on all parents, staff, students and the wider school community to be part of this undertaking. 

Some of the principles used in the process include:

  • Developing a uniform that is distinctly and identifiably Calrossy, demonstrating that we are one school through the stages and between girls and boys
  • Telling the story of transition through the distinctive stages of education, from Infants, Primary to Secondary and Senior Secondary
  • Having a contemporary uniform that is attractive and adaptable, suiting a variety of body types and shapes, with the capability of standing the test of time
  • Catering for the seasonal variations of temperature and climate that impacts on Tamworth
  • Unisex options including trousers and shorts for girls
  • Wearability and washability, being durable, able to wash easily and be simply laundered, including by the Boarding community
  • Overall cost to parents, taking into account transition, growth spurts, resale etc
  • A transition period in which the current uniform is phased out and the new is established.  Please Note: The current Yr 9 students will be given an exemption to the two year phase in period considering their final year as Yr 12 students will consist of only three terms.

I invite you to look at the attached presentation and Frequently Asked Questions which introduce the concepts for a new uniform, some of the reasoning and provides insight into the history of our uniforms across the various sections of the School.  A full storyboard will be presented at a later date showing all concepts and combinations.


In the near future we hope to present these concepts to the students in person. They were presented to the P&F at the last meeting and the whole school staff at the Professional Development day.


I encourage you to send your constructive feedback via the links below and this will be collated and taken into consideration prior to discussion with a committee and any final decision.



David Smith 
