Message from the Principal

 Mr David Smith

A Listening and Learning School


Occasionally I get asked, “What sort of school are you wanting to make Calrossy?”  It is a good question as if a school doesn’t know what it stands for, it can be confusing for everybody. One of the benefits of getting out amongst Boarder and day parents is talking to them about what they see and how they feel about the school. I strongly believe that a good school is a listening school, focussed on strong communication with the parent body. An important message for parent and student readers is to never to be afraid to share your views as I want our school to always have a listening ear. We must be open to learning, and receiving feedback from our community.


In terms of the question above, there are simple answers:

  • “A good one!” 
  • “One in which students can feel a part of and be valued.”
  • “An inclusive one that welcomes everybody.”

However, it is a reality that a school can’t be all things for all people. That is why choice is part of the educational landscape. Finding the right fit in ethos, school values and strengths is ideal. When a school is aligned with the parents and students, that is where education works best and the environment assists the students to flourish.


I sometimes have people ask if I am trying to make Calrossy like a big-city school and I wish to dispel that idea. Instead, I want us to be an outstanding regional school, providing equal opportunities as elsewhere in which our students can succeed, but doing it in our context that meets the needs of our particular students. We are proud that many achieve high level results; comparable to those in other high achieving schools. However, I sometimes chuckle at city school promotional images of kids cuddling cattle and sheep, knowing that there isn’t a cow within 300 km of their school fence. Being authentic to who we are is vitally important and something I wish to emphasise.


What sort of ‘authentic school’ do I believe we should be? A few ideas I have formed over the years include:


  • We remain a Christian School, founded on the value of each child as a special creation of God and in which we point to the hope and forgiveness of the Christian gospel. We seek to engage with the students, giving them the tools to answer the big questions of life and think through ideas and implications. We value that students are welcome to contribute, no matter their views.
  • A Boarding School, which is home to a significant proportion of our Secondary students. The combination of day and resident students is part of the ‘magic’ of Calrossy and is an important part of our DNA. 
  • A relational school – in which people matter. As I talk to parents and students, the thing that many value is the impact made in the life of the individual by a teacher or mentor, inspiring, giving confidence, believing in them and sometimes even correcting them in a way that makes a difference.
  • Coeducation with a difference – we possess a unique structure that supports effective learning at each stage of the journey equally for boys and girls – developing strong foundations in the Junior School, supporting girls and boys to develop their individual identities in single-sex classes during Years 7 to 9, and equipping them together for life beyond school in coeducational classes in Years 10 - 12. As recently featured in the media, our model offers the students ‘the best of both worlds’.
  • A regional school, supporting the flourishing of students from country NSW regions, providing them the best opportunities to be equipped for a future, whether that be locally, in the cities or even abroad.
  • A school in which the culture is ‘give everything a go!’ From the early days in our school, due to its size, everyone got in and participated in all activities. The message to students today remains the same, whether in class, at sport, drama, music (all which we love) or in doing things that are new and different. 
  • A school of high expectations – in which every student feels safe and encouraged to do their best and see how well they can achieve at each stage– being pleased with their efforts but not satisfied with less. We celebrate high achievement but equally value effort and growth.
  • A strong sense of belonging – building an atmosphere in which students can be their best selves, feeling valued, enjoying school and loving being part of the community, mixing between older and younger students.
  • A commitment to helping and serving others to make a difference – Wellbeing experts tell us that when we look after and serve others, we have better personal health and wellbeing. It is no coincidence that Calrossy has a rich history of getting involved in service, with many graduates excelling in this area and being agents of hope in our society.
  • Different pathways for our students - Whilst many students go to Uni to study, there are equally as important pathways for students in a wide range of exploits and fields. Supporting students to explore this, supporting their choice, is important to us.


I have been pleased that in the past few years we have developed some Calrossy Graduate attributes. These describe the characteristics would hope for our students as they leave us at the end of the formal school journey. Of course, each stage of schooling contributes to their development right from Prep and Pre-School. Our Graduate attributes include:


Learning: Being Critical thinkers, Knowledgeable, Creative, Collaborative and Articulate


Growing: Developing Courage, Resilience, Independence, Confidence, and Knowing the Christian message


Serving: Acting Selfless, Caring, Principled, Inclusive, Grateful


Listening and Learning

Out time spent visiting country centres and observing our wonderful community at the North West Equestrian Expo is always helpful for me as the time taken to listen to parents reinforces the depth of community, the enthusiasm of the students and knowing what is essential for our students to enjoy a holistic and well-rounded education. 


I thank parents who provide feedback and assist in growing and shaping our school, built on our traditional values but also seeking to remain as relevant as ever to our current students. It reassures me to be reminded that there are areas in which we can do better and other things we do really well. Feedback from the community helps us to know who we are and be comfortable in ‘our own skin’.


David Smith
