International Student Council

Year 7 Cultural Day, 2021

Kilvington’s International Student Council

By Paige Strachan, Year 11

Paige Strachan
Paige Strachan

Since joining the International Students Council in Year 9, I have had the privilege to work alongside and meet so many new people as well as learn more about the world around me. 

The class of 2020 ‘lads’ at Monash International Experience Day
Lunar New Year Morning Tea
The class of 2020 ‘lads’ at Monash International Experience Day
Lunar New Year Morning Tea


Through speaking with international students who come to learn at Kilvington, I have been able to learn about the cultures and traditions of many different countries, and how they celebrate special events in their culture. Being able to participate in some of these traditions through the International Students Council has taught me a lot of things that I would not have been able to learn otherwise, which is one of the things I really enjoy about this role. 

Jerry Ge (ISC) speaking at the Lunar New Year assembly
Jerry Ge (ISC) speaking at the Lunar New Year assembly
L-R: Chichi Zhang, Principal, Jon Charlton and Peter Yu
L-R: Chichi Zhang, Principal, Jon Charlton and Peter Yu

I think it is very important to learn about other cultures, and at Kilvington there are great opportunities to immerse oneself in another culture. From celebrating other traditions through cultural days, such as our annual Japanese and French cultural days, students are able to learn and immerse themselves in the traditions of other places. Through initiatives like these, a more inclusive environment can be created, which is incredibly important.