School News

Welcome Back

We would like to welcome back all our students after the recent state-wide lockdown. It has been great to see so many smiling faces back in the classroom. Thank you to those students who made an effort to keep on track with their schoolwork during remote learning, it is a difficult time and we appreciate your efforts.

School Upgrades

BSC has recently undergone further upgrades, this time to the classrooms in the North wing. Three classrooms received brand new tables and chairs to bring them in line with those in the G building.


The Yr 9/10 Advance students set to work removing and storing all of the old furniture, followed by unpacking and setting up the new tables and chairs in the classrooms. The mini makeover has given the rooms a fresh new look, with the Advance students doing a fantastic job all round.



Some of the old tables and chairs will be used to improve the learning space in the HOL shed and the library while others may be used for various school and HOL projects.

Renewable Energy in the Classroom

Yr 8B students have been studying renewable energy sources in Science during this term. Learning about how energy is created and the various types of energy we use in our daily lives, students recently had the chance to experiment with a hand powered generator, trying to create enough energy to power a small light bulb. Many took up the challenge and while no one succeeded in making the globe light up, a few were rewarded with the filament starting to glow red. The extreme amount of effort required to achieve something so simple helped enlighten students about the difficulties of not only creating but also storing clean energy.




Wearing of Masks

Please note that until further notice, masks are still required to be worn when catching buses to and from school, indoors and outside when social distancing cannot be maintained. It is expected that all students supply their own mask and wear it in accordance with the guidelines unless an exemption note has been provided to the office with a certified reason.

GAT Postponed

The General Achievement Test (GAT) for VCE students, was to be held on the 9th June, however due to the current situation with COVID, it has been postponed by the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority. We will provide information regarding it's rescheduling as it comes to hand.


School Uniform

With winter now upon us, students need to ensure they are dressed for the cooler conditions. There are a variety of uniform options to choose from that provide added warmth in the colder months, including a puffer jacket and vest, soft shell waterproof jacket, blazer, woollen jumper and the rugby jumper. For further information please refer to our website or contact Crockers, Ballarat 03 5331 3222. 


Wood Raffle

BSC SRC are are holding a raffle for 3 cubic metres of firewood, kindly donated by Wade Simpson. Tickets can be purchased from the general office for $1 per ticket. Raffle will be drawn on Friday 25th June (last day of term).