Upcoming Events 

Term 2 

18th May - HPV Triathlon Meeting

19th May - Year 5 Interrelate Program

19th May - National Simultaneous Storytime 

20th May - District Cross Country Carnival 

21st May - Year 4 Slam Poetry

25th May - GRIP Leadership Day

25th May - Junior Mayor

26th May - Year 5 Interrelate Program

27th May - Cyber Safety Session, St Marks

1st June - Prep Scienceworks Excursion TBC

1st June - Kingston Division Cross Country TBC

4th June - 11th June - Year 2-4 Swimming Lessons3rd June -  Year 5 Interrelate Program

4th June - Year 6 Winter Sports Gala Day

11th June - Prep Stomp Dance Lesson

14th June - Queen's Birthday Public Holiday 

17th June - Senior Disco TBC

18th June - Junior Disco TBC

22nd June - Girls Winter Sports Gala Day

24th June - Year 3 Moonlit Sanctuary Excursion 

25th June - Last Day of Term 2

Term 3

12th July  - Curriculum Day, no school for students

13th July - First Day of Term 3 for students 

22nd July - Performing Arts Cultural Day

26th July - Year 5 Camp

4th August - Ski Camp 

9th - 13th August - Book Fair

10th August - Whole School Olympics Day TBC

18th August - Year 3 - 6 Athletics Carnival TBC 

23rd August - District Basketball Gala TBC

27th August - Book Week Dress Up Day

6th September - District Athletics Carnival   

9th September - R U OK? Day

17th September - Footy Day 

17th September - Last Day of Term 3

Term 4

4th October - First Day of Term 4

5th October - A Slice of Vaudeville

6th October - Division Athletics Carnival

29th October - District Rugby League Gala Day

2nd November - Melbourne Cup Public Holiday

3rd November - Prep 2020 1st Transition Day

8th - 10th November - Year 4 Camp

10th November - Prep 2020 2nd Transition Day

11th - 12th November - Year 3 Camp 

11th November - Remembrance Day

12th November - District Lacrosse Gala Day

16th November - Prep 2020 3rd Transition Day

18th November - Year 5 Water Safety Day 

23rd November - Prep & Year 1 Swimming

23rd November - Prep 2020 4th Transition Day

1st December - Year 6 Water Safety Day 

7th December - Prep 2020 5th Transition Day

7th December - Whole School Transition   

17th December- Last Day of Term 4 Curriculum Day, no school for students

This calendar is subject to change

Please note that in some cases we may need to change the date or time of an event. Please continue to check Compass for updates. If you would like any further information, please contact your child's teacher through Compass. 



Click on Export Events to download these items to your personal calendar.

Kingswood Online 

• Website:


• Compass:


• Quickcliq - second-hand uniforms


• Kingswood Primary Public page:


• Kingswood Primary Instagram:


• Kingswood SAKG :
