International Students

Homework Club: 5-second rule board game

Board games can help students increase brain stimulation, improve communication skills and strengthen healthy relationships with each other. 


At the homework club, students played the 5 Second Rule Board Game. This game requires participants to think quickly and talk fast. Each participant takes a turn to answer a question, such as; 

  • “Name 3 things you like about school”
  • “Name 3 healthy foods
  • "Name 3 things you want to share with friends

They have five seconds to think of the answers and say them aloud. If three correct answers are given the participant can move one step forward on the board. If the answers are not given, the same question is asked of the next participant. 


Students followed the rules and played with enthusiasm. They showed respect to each other and did not disturb the one who was thinking the answer. Some answers were challenged by others, but the argument turned into laughter soon. 

At the end, every student received a lovely bookmark as acknowledgment for their active participation in the game. 


Samantha Dong

International Student Program Education Support