Religious Education

Michelle Hinds

Parish Bulletin


During these uncertain times, we continue to pray for those who are working tirelessly on the front lines as well as our scientists who are striving to develop a vaccine for this insidious virus. For this generation, this is our World War, with an enemy that cannot be seen and does not discriminate.


We continue to pray for our St Therese community, asking God to give us courage, health and safety during these challenging times. We especially pray for those who are vulnerable, that they may receive all that they need to ensure physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. In fact, we pray this for everyone in our community.



This Thursday 30th July is World Day Against Trafficking in Persons. A cause that is so important even in these contemporary times. You may be asking: Does human trafficking still exist in the world today? Does it occur in our own country – Australia? Unfortunately, the answer is YES. 

This Year’s Theme is:

May our prayer lead us to act against human trafficking.

Pope Francis says that human trafficking is without doubt, a crime against humanity for its violation of human dignity and freedom. Trafficking constitutes an unjustifiable violation of the freedom and dignity of the victims. This is why it is considered a crime against humanity. Trafficking seriously damages humanity as a whole, tearing apart the human family and the Body of Christ.


Wisdom from the Prophet Micah 6:8 

This is what the LORD requires, this is what is sought and longed for, only this – that you act justly, love tenderly and walk humbly with your God.


Here are some prayers in which you may wish to engage.

God of today and tomorrow, may there be blessings of true justice for us and for all people who have been trafficked. ALL: AMEN 

God of each one’s story, may there be blessings of tender love for us and for all who have been trafficked into abuse and sufferings. ALL: AMEN 

God we are so small, give us your Light and help us humbly remember that you love and cherish each person and that we are all your children. ALL: AMEN


Australian Catholic Religious Against Trafficking in Humans (ACRATH) is working tirelessly to put a stop to human trafficking. Their vision is of a world free of human trafficking.


ACRATH’s work is inspired by Jesus who said: 

“I have come that all may have life and have it to the full.” John 10:10. 


God bless you all. Stay courageous.

Michelle Hinds (REL)



God bless and stay courageous.

Michelle Hinds

(Deputy Principal & Religious Education Leader)