Junior School News

We are more than half way through this term of remote learning. The students are to be congratulated on their efforts so far. We know that there have been a few challenges with motivation, but we can see that they are trying their best to participate in classes and other activities available.
Science Week
There is an Education Perfect Science Championships running at the moment which the Junior School students are very competitive with. The class that completes the most Education Perfect Tasks in that week, will receive a reward from the Science Domain when we return to school.
Kahoot Lunchtime Activities
It has been fun to see some Year 7 and 8 students become involved in the Junior School Kahoot which we are holding every Tuesday at lunchtime. We have had some appearances from teachers who have joined in to play. Thank you for playing along with us.
Congratulations to Anise Hunder for winning the 2019/2020 Pop music Kahoot, followed by Emily Gough and Megha Rai in second and third place. House points go to Jackson and Kenny for that week. (Come on Mackellar students!)
Being Science Week the Kahoot on Tuesday was science related. The questions were really tough! Congratulations to Lily Hallam (and her sister Mia and family) for taking out the win, followed by Ms Ta in second and Olivia Ayyuce in third place. House points went to Melba and Jackson house!
It has been great to see many students and teachers involved in the lunchtime activities. Some suggestions for future Kahoots are Harry Potter, One Direction, books, places around the world and culture.
What can you see from your window?
A little fun activity, we gave the Junior School student this fortnight was to take a picture of what they can see from their home window. With stage 4 restrictions in place we are spending a lot more time looking through these windows and sometimes noticing things we haven’t had the time to in the past. We wanted students to appreciate the natural world around them and share what they can see. Some of the images are in the banner and below:
Emma Holman
Director of Junior School