Curriculum Term 3

Curriculum Foci
Text Types:
- Procedural
- Recount
- Letter formation
- Starting points
- Direction
- Correct placement on dotted third lines
Spelling Rules or Sounds:
- Students will learn one spelling sound per week and/or a spelling rule.
- Seven spelling sounds will be taught explicitly
- The spelling rules;
- Suffixes
- Plural rule
- Homophones - they’re, their, there
Grammar and Punctuation Foci:
- Full stops
- Commas in compound/complex sentences and lists
- Decoding strategies - being able to segment and blend sounds together
- Letter-sound relationships
- Retelling the story in the correct order
- Fluency and expression
- Answering literal comprehension questions by identifying the information within the text
- Non-fiction text features
- How to read a procedural text and follow basic instructions
- Determining between fact and fiction
Number and Algebra:
- Multiplication
- Division
- Money
- Place value of two, three and four digit numbers
- Skip counting by 2s, 5s, 10s and 3s
- Shape and number patterns
- Partners to twenty to solve addition problems
- Solving addition and subtraction equations using doubles and near doubles
Measurement and Geometry:
- Properties of 2D shapes
- Practise using terms such as curved lines, straight lines and identify edges and corners
- Features of an analogue and digital clock, telling o’clock and half-past times
Statistics and Probability:
- Identify outcomes that are likely, unlikely, possible and impossible
Topic: WORLDLY Students will be investigating local and global destinations, and learning geographical terminology, including maps and location words. They will collect and record geographical information, represent information in plans and labelled maps.
Inquiry Skills: Critical and creative thinking, taking action, sharing ideas, collaboration (working in teams, offering ideas, problem solving), communication.