Assistant Principals' Report

Welcome back to Term 3! 


We hope that you are staying safe and well in this next phase of remote learning. Whilst the 7-10’s are working remotely at home we do have our VCE/VCAL student’s onsite and learning. This has been an unusual year for all of our students. We have been, and continue to be, very impressed with how all of our students have embraced the new DET requirements, in particular the senior students over the last 3 weeks of term with the temperature checks, hand sanitising and now wearing a mask all day. It has been challenging and are immensely proud of each and every one of our students for the courage and respect they’ve shown for all the enforced processes.


On Wednesday, we had Parent / Teacher / Student telephone conferences which, again, were different this year. We hope that you were able to connect with your child’s Teachers and gain information on how they have been travelling in either their VCE/VCAL classes, electives or core subjects. Thank you for making a booking time and giving us the opportunity to provide more feedback on your child’s Semester 1 progress.


This term we continue to focus on student health and wellbeing. We are putting together some activities for them to enjoy and connect.

Our Year 7-10’s we have resumed our Mentor Program and this time around it is slightly different;  in Year 7 and 8, their Connect Teacher will continue the program and in Year 9 and 10, their English/Science or other Teacher will take the program. Teachers will connect via email and I am urging all students to make contact and have a chat. In the Handbook that was sent out to parents and students there were some suggested activities students could do in-between classes, lunch times, after school or on weekends. These can then be discussed with your Mentor Teacher. 


For all ICT issues, please contact the Greensborough College Help Desk:

Please state the student name and Home Group, a description of the issue and a serial number (so that a record is available for your device for future reference). 


We invite parents to join another Webinar  on August 4th, with a focus on motivation, goal setting and overcoming adversity.  

Elevate Education - Motivation

Date: Tuesday 4th August 

Time: 6pm AEST 

Duration: 1 hour

Cost: Free



Take care in these uncertain times and remember to support each other.


Glenn Jenner and Rose Thomson 

Assistant Principals