Learning Technologies

Nexus Databases

Students can access a comprehensive research library through the Nexus homepage. Here they can find resources that cannot be found through a simple Google search which will be of immense benefit to their research tasks PLUS place them in good stead to use more academic materials through University studies.

Our online resources can be accessed here https://myasc.ascollege.wa.edu.au/nexus/SitePages/onlineresources.aspx


ASC Answers

Answers is our new FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) system that is open to all members of the ASC community. There is a link from our Nexus page on MyASC  and on the main MyASC page or you can go direct to https://answers.allsaints.wa.edu.au/.

If you have a question about anything about the College - ASC Answers is the place to go. It can be tech related but does not have to be. We have answers to questions like when the uniform shop is open also! If your question does not appear in our database you can submit a question which will be answered by one of our staff.


Here is a quick introduction video.

We have also introduced a Live Chat feature for getting help immediately by connecting with one of our team (during normal school hours). Look for "Need Help" on the Nexus home page and see this video for a 1 min introduction.


The site has been developed and populated by our fantastic Agency Tech Coaches, led by Myles Keeffe and Ashley Lance. I hope this new service proves useful to you.

Tech Help from the Agency

Our Tech Coaches have created a booking page so that any student or staff member can book a one-one session so they can support and help with things such as ideas for presenting, using Office365 tools, troubleshooting issues, organising files, printing, 3D software etc.

The link to book a time is bit.ly/asctechbooking