
An Offer to our Musicians

It has been an absolute pleasure to spend some time this week recording accompaniments for our music students. Under ‘normal’ conditions it is usual that every day in the Kantor Music and Performing Arts Centre there are students rehearsing in groups and rehearsing with an accompanist for upcoming performances at Assemblies, Concerts, Soirees, Eisteddfods, Festivals and Examinations.  We have clearly established that for many students now finding themselves at home all day, practising their chosen discipline of music is a dearly cherished activity.  With the technology of Teams lessons, replaying recorded instrumental lessons and uploading and downloading their own recordings of performances now standard practise, we can maximise the experience by offering extra resources.


How wonderful to be able to listen to Annabel O’Toole (Year 7 Clarinet) perform for us in Assembly this morning. Annabel, at home on her farm near Heywood, recorded herself playing Last Tango in Coonabarrabran by Richard Percival accompanied by piano supplied the day before, recorded by me.  Shiver the budgie sang along.


OFFER:  If you have a piece of music that you are studying and would like the piano accompaniment to practise/perform with, send me the piano music and I will send you a recording.


If there are any concerns with the remote music lesson process please be in contact as soon as possible.


Mr Benjamin Hiscock           Director of Music

Mrs Nichole Atchison                 Music Administrator