Myrniong - ELC to Yr6
Parent/Teacher Interviews
Myrniong - ELC to Yr6
Parent/Teacher Interviews
Last Tuesday and Wednesday, Junior School classroom teaching staff conducted Parent/Teacher interviews. With the announcement of a second window of remote learning in Victoria, the timing of these was not ideal. I thank the staff for the time and energy put in to these important avenues of communication.
RLP-2 and Reimagining
Good teachers see themselves as learners with a growth mindset. As Richard Spencer, a teacher from the United Kingdom, states: ‘Great teachers are great learners and students need to see their teachers learning’. I commend the Junior School Classroom and Specialist staff for their efforts in seeking feedback from RLP-1 and reimagining their offerings for students in RLP-2. As educators, we should not be afraid of feedback. All feedback requires trust between providers and recipients. Classroom teachers have reviewed their RLP-1 delivery and assessment procedures. For RLP-2, they have altered their content delivery with a ‘less is more’ goal in mind. Specialist teachers have reimagined their subjects and come up with new ideas to deliver content. Hands on subjects like P.E, Art and Music are difficult to replicate in the online format required for remote learning. I commend the staff for their thought and preparation, completed in a very limited period of time.
Wellness Week - Next Week
Each year at College, we pigeonhole a specific week to focus on wellbeing. Whilst wellbeing is our core business, it is nice to highlight it and make this a whole school focus. In her role as Deputy Head of Junior School, Mrs. Milich looks after wellbeing of students and staff. Next week, she has allocated a wellbeing focus for each day.
Assembly Riddles
In each Assembly during the Remote Learning Program, a weekly riddle will be offered for students and parents to solve.
Week 1 - ‘The more you take, the more you leave behind.’
Week 2 - ‘What can travel around the world while staying in one corner?’
Week 3 - ‘I am the first on earth and the second in heaven. You can find me twice in a week, but only once in a year.’
Remote Learning Birthdays
Celebrating a birthday during Remote Learning is difficult - no parties or visits from relatives. We wish the following students and staff many happy returns and hope their next trip around the sun is a safe, rewarding and enjoyable one.
Mrs. Anna Robertson - July 29th
Mrs. Kathryn Salt - August 7th
Mrs. Natalie Povey - August 11th
Darcy Fleetwood (Year 6) - August 15th
Stephen Nelson
Head of Junior School