Associate Principal, Operations Report
During the last couple of weeks, Miss Waldron, Miss Reiher, Mrs Bonnett and I have met with Year 12 students to discuss their progress towards some goals set at the Retreat at the start of the year. One of those goals was the ATAR the student nominated. I found it interesting to note that, although some feigned forgetfulness when the goal was first mentioned, nearly everyone I spoke to could remember the goals they had set for themselves.
Each of us was able to advise the students– and their parents – we met with how teachers believe students are travelling. We provided the Study Scores which teachers believe the results at the end of last term would equate to and therefore the ATAR which, if nothing changed and they became the actual Study Scores, each student would achieve.
Many students are on track to meet or exceed their goals. Some have some work to do and strategies were offered which might enable the improvement necessary.
Of course, for those on track or exceeding their goals, there is a danger that some might think they can relax: the job is under control. For those who are under the goal they set, there is also a danger: some may feel that the cause is lost. Neither of these ways of thinking would be helpful.
My message, and that of my colleagues, was that this is the key time. The scores given by teachers are not guaranteed; nor are they sentences. The are merely indications of a perception of the current situation. There remain nearly ten school weeks until the first VCE examination and there is a holiday period with Revision Lectures also. Much can yet be done and achieved.
In the end, teachers, just like parents, want their students to be able to look in the mirror at the end of the year and say “I did my best.” We will be proud of everyone who can say this no matter what result they achieve. The key is self-honesty when looking in the mirror!
Teachers are available to help and we will continue to offer support and encouragement, as well as advice, to our group of Year 12s. Despite the challenges the year has thrown at them, they remain in control of their results and I have confidence they will rise to the challenges of the next few months.
For younger students at the Senior School, parents and students have a similar opportunity for feedback with the up-coming Student/Parent/Teacher Interviews. Teachers are currently making bookings for those they wish to meet with and parents are invited to book interviews with teachers they wish to speak to through the PAM module. More information about the Interviews will follow.
Neil MacLean
Associate Principal, Operations
Years 8 & 9 (2021) Information Night
As part of the new Explore Programme which will be introduced next year, parents and students who will be in Years 8 and 9 are invited to attend an online information night on Wednesday 19th August. You will receive login details nearer the time from Mrs Bradbeer.