Year 9 and 10 students

Year 10 Captains'  Report

During the long eight week period of online learning, both students and teachers alike had to face new challenges that allowed us to adapt to a new way of learning. This was possible due to the exceptional communication between the school, teachers and our peers. 


Although leaning from outside of the campus pushed us to strive for our own education, we all had our difficulties that stemmed from studying in a home environment. These included; staying motivated to complete work, internet issues that affected our classmates and the lack of connection with our friends. However, we believe as a year level we all handled the situation tremendously well and we are sure our teachers would agree. 


The transition stage back onto campus set another new set of obstacles we had to face as a year level when returning, as we were and still are on different playing fields due to our strengths and weakness in online learning.


I think we'd all agree, that seeing our friends within the school yard again and having face to face communication is something we all value and missed.  


We hope everyone is staying safe and adjusting well in this strange time.


Mackenzie Tully and Briana Tilbury

Year 9 Captains'  Report

Throughout 2020 we've had obstacles to overcome such as, online learning.


Online learning wasn’t as hard as normal schooling, but still proposed the challenges of being ready for it.


You had to get your books together, you had to look presentable, you had to keep track of all sorts of stuff from all classes. you had to find loopholes around problems that you might have faced; like not having a printer at home and instead, receiving it in the mail. 


We used brilliant apps and websites such as Compass, Google Classroom and Google Meet to stay in contact with our peers and teachers to continue our classes efficiently. 


Certain subjects were difficult to figure out how you were going to do this at home, like Science! So teachers had to improvise, which meant that online worksheets were a focus.


It did feel great to be able to make a coffee, drink that coffee and still do Maths.  It really was a great experience!


Eight weeks of being at home and doing homework!  I don't like doing homework on the weekend, let alone eight entire weeks, but because it was schoolwork, it’s still important.


With being at home, means you can have your family help you with that difficult Maths question.  My experience is that, my parents didn't understand the Maths I was doing.


With the transition from online school to normal school, the most exciting thing would be seeing everyone.


After these eight weeks, we have all come back to school with a warm welcome and multiple new rules to ensure our safety, such as not using drinking taps, social distancing and using hand sanitising stations around the school after each class. 


Everyone handled the situation differently, whether you were in your bedroom or lounge room learning about gradients and what-not.  


We as a year level, believe that we did our best in the situation and got through it with flying colours. 


Charlie Newton and Emily Matthews

It's GREAT to be BACK!