Year 2/3NH

Maths - Measurement and Geometry: Time 

In Maths, the students in 2/3NH have been learning about time, particularly telling time with an analog clock. 

We have been practising how to tell time quarter past, half past and quarter to on an analog clock. We have also been practicing how to tell time to the minute. After returning from remote learning, some of the students have been working on creating analog clocks. These clocks show different times throughout the day that are important for us to remember. Sometimes it is tricky to remember that the hour hand needs to move between one hour and the next as the minute hand moves. All the students have been taking on this challenge by remembering that one hour can be split into quarters. 

Grade 3 students who are still doing remote learning have been practicing their skills using a variety of online activities including My Numeracy, Study Ladder and Mathletics. We have been matching the analog clock to its digital time. Grade 3s have also been telling time in five minute intervals and to the minute. We not only tell time through numerals, but also words!

Vihaan “This is quarter to eleven or 10:45. It is when we begin eating our Lunch.”

Malual: “This is one thirty-five. This is the time that Snack Break starts.”