Kindergarten News

Dickins Room

What a fantastic week we have had with our Marram and Wimbi classes this week! There has been an incredible buzz of excitement and energy each day, with the children loving getting back into the sandpit and using playdoh as well as a focus on art and construction. 


Our Marram class has been exploring dinosaurs, discussing fossils and dinosaur bones and have become curious around looking for their own in the yard. This has led to some magical moments, extending literacy through an assortment of books and in developing focus and concentration as well as co-operation when completing large floor puzzles.


Our Wimbi children have been eager to sing! We have done this with puppets, through movement songs as well as our tried and tested favourites such as Mr Clickity Cane. It is a popular request! We have begun to increase the expectations and opportunities within the program also, matching the increased maturity and cognitive development of the children. 


Al and Mardi.

Moore Room

Wow – we can’t believe that it is our final week of Term 2 and what a term it has been! Thank you everyone for being very adaptable – from our online learning opportunities and back to face to face through to our entry and exit rearrangements. The children have settled so well and we will re-set for a fantastic Term 3.


Our last week was filled with awesome moments of bird and native Australian animals discoveries with lots of sign language included. We have seen movie makers in Gawarn group and chefs in the Budja group. We made the most of the great weather with outdoor picnic lunches, enjoyed the opening of the sandpit, group games, dance and movement, yoga and both groups favourite – Dr. Suess – Wacky Wednesday as we delve into rhyming!


Have a super week and happy safe holidays.


Kelly-Anne, Treesje, Julie and Jo