Principal's Message

Selamat datang  (Welcome)

Learning Centre Planning Days

All Learning Centres held their planning days for Term 3 across last week. Curriculum Overviews will be available on the website and will be sent out through Sentral by the end of the week. 'Stick it to the fridge' or save it to your phone - they are a great source of what is being covered in the class and any special events (although these are very limited at the moment.) Our focus is on 3/4 and 5/6 Camp programs - make sure you have returned the form for these and if families need support to meet the costs please contact the office. No child misses out due to financial reasons. 

Student Leadership Meetings

Creative, empathetic and innovative are all words that I would use to describe our Year 6 student leaders. Amanda Nelson and I met with the team on Thursday to discuss lots of different issues and a summary of the points raised and discussed is outlined below.

Sustainability and Facilities Leaders

Reviewed the new Junior playground designs.

Decided on how to operate the bike shed and bins.

Community and Wellbeing Leaders

Developed a 'New to MPRPS' student protocol.

Discussed how students are reconnecting with 

friends and peers but that we need to introduce 

Lunch Time clubs again to support this.

Sports and Indonesian Leaders 

Looked at developing areas to develop or improve 

for the new Minor Capital Works grant and decided 

on the oval as an area to target. This has come up in many surveys both parent and student.

Performing Arts and Visual Arts Leaders

Reviewed the Dress Code policies for students and staff and the parent survey.

-want gender neutral options ( approach will be made to PSW)

-track suit pants not presentable prefer shorts or cargo trousers

-black socks should be included

-like that summer and winter uniform can be worn all

year round.

- staff should wear hat the same as students.

- staff are fairly well dressed.

- Piercings and tattoos - to be covered. Maybe this idea shouldn't be enforced.



Reports and Portfolios

Reports will be available on Sentral from Wednesday at 3.00pm as explained last week. Parent/Teacher Interviews will be held in Week 2 of Term 3. At this stage this will be done through video conferencing hence why they will not be Three Way Conferences. More information will be provided in the first newsletter in Term 3. All Senior classes have their portfolio of work through Seesaw. Junior School students will bring home their scrapbook portfolio to keep at home as we transition to Seesaw for their portfolio's for Term 3. A letter will come home to explain and gain consent to use Seesaw. It's important to note that all Remote Learning work needs to be downloaded by parents as Portfolio work will be set up different to the Remote Learning period.


Thank you to Aidan O'Connor and 1/2O for running the Junior Assembly this week and Kate Molloy and 3/4K for managing the Senior Assembly. I was able to visit but was definitely not needed, as the classes are doing an amazing job building on what 1/2BR did for Junior Assembly the previous week. We are aiming to do some live streaming of assemblies but are mindful of students and families privacy, when we have that sorted we will let you know. 

Entries and Exits

At this stage we will continue with our current entry and exit procedures for the beginning of Term 3. If there are any changes I will communicate these through Sentral email and the news feed. Thank you for all your support across this challenging time.