Prep - Year 2

Assistant Principal's Report

Welcome back!!

Hello to all families and welcome back!

Welcome back to school!!
Welcome back to school!!

It has obviously been quite some time since we have seen many of you, although I know that you have been in regular contact with Classroom Teachers via Compass and Webex. Recent restrictions, social distancing measures and remote learning in light of the COVID-19 pandemic has been challenging for everyone, especially for those families where there has been a loss of employment.  At Pakenham Springs, we are deeply sympathetic to, supportive and understanding of the plights of these families, as we are to all families who have encountered considerable challenges during this time. 


In reflecting on the impact of COVID-19, and the reaction of our community to this, I can’t help but be reminded of what Martin Heppell from The Resilience Project told us back in March, and that was “we will get through this if we get through it together”.  I am incredibly proud of the way that our school community has banded together and been supportive of one another.  This includes parents, students and staff.  To read the comments on the school Facebook page has been heartwarming, with parents being deeply empathetic and supportive of one another with tips and advice for navigating the remote learning phase. 


Juggling remote learning whilst working from home has posed a great challenge for many families, including a number of our staff members.  This is obviously an unprecedented situation, and it has again been with great pride that I have been able to look at the work students have been able to complete, and the pride that they have shown in their accomplishments.  We can’t thank families enough for your support throughout this remote learning phase, and the efforts of families to maintain routines and learning behaviours during this time has no doubt assisted with the transition back to school.


Remote learning has obviously posed a number of challenges for Teachers as well, who have had to completely modify their approach to teaching and in many cases, learn about new technologies and digital platforms.  Again, I am immensely proud of how staff have embraced the challenges, and it has been evident that student achievement and well-being has been at the forefront of their minds throughout this phase.  I know that teachers, like parents, are very excited to be returning to traditional, on-site learning and be able to interact with their students, observe and support them in their learning, more closely than they were able to whilst learning remotely.


Certainly the transition back has required great thought, flexibility and application on behalf of staff too as they seek to identify each child’s current level of understanding, to plan a tailored program moving forward.  But I know too that staff are excited about this challenge and much planning and preparation has gone into this behind the scenes already.  Much work has also gone into ensuring that we have appropriate cleansing and precautionary measures in place to keep staff and students safe, in line with the guidelines provided by the Department of Education and Training.  Staff and students have both been very diligent in ensuring that these are maintained. 

It must be noted that to date students on the whole have transitioned back incredibly well, immediately demonstrating our school expected behaviours as well as their classroom-based routines and procedures.  Again, this is a credit to the work of families in maintaining routines and a focus on learning during this period, as well as the work that Teachers have done in readiness for the transition back. 


Junior School in particular are now three weeks into their on-site learning, with regular Literacy and Numeracy programs well and truly underway.  Teachers will be assessing in coming weeks to develop a greater understanding of student achievement levels and gaps in knowledge to ensure that our learning programs are targeting the individual needs of all students.  It has been wonderful to be in classrooms, welcoming students back, sharing in the learning and seeing just how enthusiastic they have been in their return to school.  I have also thoroughly enjoyed being in the Year Level Team meetings, seeing how thorough Teachers have been in wanting to ensure that all children are getting the support and attention they need to thrive at school upon returning. 


Upon returning, it has also been exciting to see the launch of The Resilience Project sessions in classrooms.  If you cast your minds back again to March, we had our Staff, Student and Parent sessions, presented by Martin Heppell.  Martin discussed how the principles of Gratitude, Empathy and Mindfulness underpin the approach of The Resilience Project and how they teach strategies, using these principles, to develop resilience, promote positive mental health and increase happiness within all people, not just our children.  All year levels will be completing a weekly session aligned with one of these principles, first thing on Monday mornings, and this commenced last week in our Junior School classes.  Students learned all about the traits of a good friend in Prep and Year One, whilst the Year Twos learned about how to 'bounce back' and the difference between good and bad reactions.  These sessions were really well received right across the Junior School and students were able to proudly share their learning. 


Teachers are also in the process of writing student reports for Semester One, however, obviously these won’t be in line with what students have received previously, due to complications arising from COVID-19.  Your child's report will outline the content covered during Semester One as well as how they approached their learning and engaged in classroom activities.  A more comprehensive report, outlining student's individual level of achievement against the Victorian Curriculum will come in Semester Two. 


Thank you again for all of your hard work and understanding throughout recent weeks. Again, seeing the way that our entire school community have responded and supported one another in turbulent times has made me even prouder to call myself a Springer. 


So until next time, take care Springers!



Danny Forster

Assistant Principal (Junior School)