
Dear Parents,

Thank you to the families who have already provided a sock for the puppet activity to school. The students were really excited by the idea of making a puppet and learning ventriloquism.

Grades Foundation to Grade 4 are doing puppetry and ventriloquism in Performing Arts/Music until the end of term.

     We need every child to bring along an old sock (washed of course!) to their music class next week. Grades 3 and 4 need to do this when they return in week 9.  Some students who attended school during the lockdown have already started their sock and so don’t need to bring along another, unless they would like to donate one in case someone doesn’t have a suitable sock.

We would prefer something that is colourful, longish and suitable for this purpose.

Thank you,

Anne Murray and Marie Morrow

Music News

In the next few weeks students need to complete their data charts and send them to:- TEAMS, Music, General, files, their class folder.

Keep up the good work!

Foundation to Year 2

Mrs. Murray has created a fun activity for our return to school. Remember to bring a clean sock to start working on your puppet. Thank you to those who already have.

Grade 3 and 4 students 

I hope you are enjoying the variety of activities in your music lessons. Don’t worry if some are more difficult than others. What I am looking for is that you do a little bit of practice each week. Don’t forget to post you data chart into the class folder in the Music tile. 

Years 5 and 6 

Keep practicing a little bit of each section each week and send me a copy of your data chart. This is all you need to do, and we will begin work on Battle of the Bands when we return to school. It may end up being a virtual performance – there are a few concerns with sharing instruments so we’ll have to see what is possible on your return to school.


To finish with here is our weekly gallery of talented IPS students.


Logan S – 4L


Will R -6H on drums


Hugo M - 4M on recorder.


Luca C – 5T performing Grieg’s Lyric Pieces, Op 43, In My Native Country

Eddy Y -  4L on electric drum kit.



Stay well and enjoy your music.


Yours in Music,


Mrs. Morrow and Mrs Murray