Xenica Community Report

Term 2, 2020
After spending the beginning of Term 2 working from home, the Xenica community have had a busy start back at school. Everyone has been excited to return to school and it has been great to see everyone back on site.
Our Learning
In writing we have been learning about procedural texts. We have completed an online scavenger hunt looking for examples of procedures. We have written step by step instructions using a writing stimulus with the options of 'How to make...', 'How to play...', 'How to build...' and 'How to get ready for...'. We have made origami corner bookmarks using a goal, a list of materials and instructions. We have also followed a procedure of diagrams to make pirate hats out of paper.
For Numeracy we have been working on our skills using money and timetables. We have planned a day at an amusement park called Leisure Land and used a budget of $100 to choose events, rides, food and drink and souvenirs to buy. We have factored in scenarios where our day doesn’t go to plan and have used problem solving to see how this affects the money we have spent and the timetable we have planned.
For Inquiry we have been exploring experiments about heat transfer. We have written a hypothesis to predict what may happen when we leave two sealed cups of water in the sun, one cup with holes for ventilation and one cup without. We have noted observations in a scientific report and drawn diagrams to show the changes we see in the cups of water.
In Social Emotional Learning we have been completing activities relating to our School Wide Positive Behaviour Matrix. We have talked about caring for ourselves, each other, our learning and our school. We have talked about the values of our school and all of the positive things we can do to keep safe, take responsibility for our learning, help each other and get the most out of being back at school.
Important notes to remember:
- Students will bring their diaries to school on Fridays which will be checked by teachers.
- Please label all belongings.
- Students are encouraged to bring their iPads to school each day.
We hope you all have a wonderful and safe holiday. We look forward to seeing you next term!
Kind Regards,
Kathryn, Trent, Emma and Rebecca