Argus Community Report

Thank you
The Argus teachers would like to thank all of the families for their ongoing support during these unprecedented times. We appreciate your support throughout this challenging term. All students have returned to school with a positive mindset and enthusiasm for learning, demonstrating their resilience. We thank you immensely and look forward to the rest of the year working with the Argus students.
Jade Batey, our Argus teacher, welcomed her little baby boy Harvey John into the world last week. We congratulate Jade and wish her all the best with her new addition to the family. Ceren Akgul was appointed to the position as the fifth Argus teacher. Please make her feel welcome.
In Reading this term, the students have continued to learn the letters of the alphabet and the sound each letter makes. Students who already know the letters and sounds are beginning to use this knowledge to decode words. Using their letter/sound knowledge they are now beginning to read CVC (consonant-vowel-consonant) words. These are 3 letter words such as, cat, sit, bus etc. Once students have learnt the alphabet they will be bringing home a set of sight words. Sight words are words that students need to memorise, in order to read more efficiently. Once your child is ready for sight words they will bring a list of words home and and letter to explain how to practise these words at home.
In Writing this term, students have been developing their confidence in communicating their ideas through pictures and words. This includes drawing and labelling pictures, finishing simple sentences such as 'I see...' writing their own ideas to complete the sentence and writing simple sentences, remembering to use finger spaces, capital letters and full stops. Next term this will continue to be a focus, as well as expanding on our ideas and beginning to edit our writing.
In Maths this term, students have explored a range of maths concepts including Base 10, measurement, shape and pattern. In Base 10, they have been developing their knowledge of numbers 1-10; as an extension they have been working with numbers up to 20. Using these numbers we have been reading, writing, making groups to match, as well as comparing numbers by ordering and naming numbers before/after. Here are some pictures of us making our teen number chains.
In our Inquiry Unit for Term 2, we explored the concept of light and how is effects us in our daily lives. We planted seeds and put one in the sun and one in a dark cupboard. We made predictions about what would happen and then we reviewed these predictions, discovering that the sun and light is needed in order for plants to grow. As part of this unit we also explored our 5 senses, discovering how we use these in our everyday lives.
In SEL, we have been continuing to learn about our emotions and how to regulate them. We are learning how to identify what emotional zone we are in and we call these zones the blue, green, yellow and red zones. Please see below for further explanation of how we can identify what zone we are in. When we are in the blue, yellow or red zone is, it is important that we can work out how to get ourselves back into the green zone, this is called self regulation. It is important to spend most of our time in the green zone as this is when we are happiest and able to work our very best when we are happy and calm at school.
We have also been learning about making green choices at school. When we make a green choice, we may be given a green choice dot. Once we get 10 green choice dots we will receive a prize. Below is a picture of our Green Choice Chart and a list of green choices we can make. The Ants brainstormed some green choices they can make and have shared their ideas with us.