Lilydale High School Staff

We encourage the LHS community to stop and smell the isolation roses. 


Here are some of our stories about taking time to stay happy, healthy and connected during COVID-19.


Kristy Mays

An early morning walk on a foggy morning to get started for a day of remote teaching. Mother Nature at her finest! 🌿🍂🍃😊

Dawn O’Kennedy

Creating beautiful Art 😀

Jenny Mclean

Cooking a delicious dinner for her family 💗🌷😀

Jane Hemmings

Enjoying the time to get ISO fit 🏃‍♀️😊






Jonathan Bleakley

Taking the time to sort his MAGIC: The Gathering Collection

Anita Platten

Enjoys riding her bike to keep ISO fit 🚴

Laura Wade

Slowing down with some 'from scratch' baking: bread, cake and donuts 😀

Baking with Laura Wade

Slow down with some "from scratch" pancakes!

Amanda Mortel

Enjoys a peaceful walk with her dog during ISO 

Lisa Lynch

Enjoys ISO walks around McAlpin Reserve 🏃‍♀️

Jye Cuff

Perfecting his coffee during ISO ☕️

Kristy Bjarnelind 

When not working, has been doing home workouts, reading, taking the kids out and enjoying coffees 😀

Narelle McGrotty

Family board games, walking with the family and enjoying being home with the Fur-babies is time well spent in ISO 😊

Valda Rubio

Enjoys baking cookies during ISO 😊

Please remember to 

Stop and Smell the ISO Roses!