GECPA Family Corner

Contribute items to our newsletter

Can you help us? We are creating a Family Corner in our newsletter and would like to invite all families (adults and children) to share items of their interest…

- Stories, jokes, drawings done by your children - Pics of your family pets 

- Something humorous that happen during the   lockdown 

- Favourite recipes or gardening tips, etc.


Please encourage your children to share an item which I am sure will be enjoyed by their friends and families. They may use an anonymous name should they choose to do so. 


Mindfulness Meditation

Be Present, Daily Calm  (10 mins)

Shared by Nicole B


Our 14wks old kitten, Kaya, who is now our spoilt baby (R Robinson)


Hearty salmon soup/chowder – serves 4+  Catherine Mc Naughton family favourite 

In a large saucepan combine 

  • cooked mashed potatoes – approx. 1 per person
  • 1 large can of salmon – bones mashed in with fork for extra calcium, wild caught in tin is more sustainable than fresh farmed fish
  • Stir in a mug or 2 of hot water to make consistency you like

Heat on medium heat stirring till hot but don’t let it boil or burn on base

Add in 

  • 1 packet of creamed cheese – cut into 2cm cubes
  • Bunch of fresh or dried dill, coriander or kaffir lime leaves and/or snipped spring onion tops
  • Black pepper to taste
  • More hot water if needed to make thick soup consistency

Serve with toast or herb bread.

Can keep leftovers in fridge for a couple of days. 

Kids favourite winter school lunch in a wide necked thermos – just remember to include a spoon. From experience tricky for kids to eat if spoon forgotten.


Autumn-Winter Gardening Tips 

Easy winter salads and veges on your doorstep 

Now is a perfect time to fill a large pot with potting mix or clear a corner of your garden and sow a winter salad and veggie garden. Sow into freshly raked soil your choice of seeds for lettuce, rocket, beetroot, parsley, silverbeet, rainbow chard, kale – add a few spring onions – can use lower stems with roots of spring onions from the green grocers. Ready in a few weeks to pick just a few leaves from each plant again and again for many salads. A lush mixed salad pot by the door is handy and looks lovely. In a sunny spot you could include herbs like rosemary and thyme. Or if shady you could include mint. 


Vege garden on the kitchen window sill – sprouts, alfalfa, mung beans, micro greens

Reuse a alfalfa box or a medium/ large jar

Place about 1 tablespoon of seeds in container. Cover opening of jar with fine clean cloth and secure with a rubber band. Add enough barely warm water to cover seeds and soak overnight. Next day pour out excess water through cloth. Add fresh water to thoroughly rinse and drain. Rinse and drain sprouts twice a day. Eat in 5-7 days. 

Alternatively plant sprouts in pot of potting mix and snip and eat when ready. Happy gardening and eating!