Careers & Pathways

Student Pathway Profile - 

Name: Magdalena 

Year Level: 12, Chelt since Year 7 

Current Study: VCE; English, Literature, Italian, Psychology & History, (Yr 12 Methods Last Year) 

Career Ideas: Teaching, not sure what age range yet 

Challenges:  This year, the major challenge was dealing with remote learning and not being able to see my friends all the time. 

Planning: I went to multiple open days at universities in both year 10 and 11 which provided a lot of helpful information. Talking to the Careers Counsellor was extremely helpful as she was able to provide me with information and resources I wouldn't have been able to find myself. Discussing universities with family and friends who have been was also a great experience as I was able to get the point of view of a student. 

2021 - Life after Chelt: I would definitely like to go to university and do a Bachelor Arts degree. I want to take a bit of a break after exams and before university starts, if possible go on a little trip with friends. 



Year 9 Pathway - Morrisby Quiz and Interviews:

All Year 9 students had the opportunity to participate in the Morrisby Quiz and interview process during Term 2 and 3. This program gives students the chance to learn about themselves, discover subjects and courses tailored to individuals and explore inspiring career options. Congratulations and thank you to the students who participated, we hope that you gained some valuable insight into your outstanding potential.


Year 9 Pathway - Mock Job Interviews: 

Every year at Cheltenham Secondary College, we run Year 9 Mock Job Interviews in partnership with the White Lion Organization.

All Year 9 students will have the very valuable opportunity to participate in an online job interview with an adult from either the business or higher education sector. 

After the interview, each student will be given feedback to add to their Careers Education and Work portfolio. This year, the Mock Job Interviews will take place on Zoom meetings at HOME on Thursday 5th November.