Peter Corkill


Dear Parents, Students and Friends of John Monash Science School,


It is a while since I last wrote in this forum, but with the weekly Covid19 Updates to Community I feel like we have been regular correspondents! It was fantastic to see the Year 10s finally return onsite on Monday, and as soon as we get used to the ‘new normal’ of a full school once again, we say farewell to our Year 12 students as they soon embark on their final preparations for their exams. It has certainly been a challenging year, but it is indeed heart-warming to see the energy with which our staff are getting back to teaching in the way they know best, with the students enjoying the benefits of learning together onsite again.


Looking forward to ….. the Second Australian Science Fair!

After last year’s inaugural edition of this event, we are proud to announce that second instalment will take place later in November. We have again invited a STEM specialist school from each state and territory in Australia to join us, and all have accepted. The event of course will be virtual, but our own JMSS students will still have much to be involved in and look forward to! 

More information will be forthcoming in future updates, and I urge you all to take part in another wonderful display of student learning at John Monash Science School, this time from the comfort of home!


Farewell to the Class of 2020

The time draws near for us to officially farewell our Year 12 students, who are about to embark on their final exams and then move into life beyond secondary school. I know the whole school community will join me in congratulating them on the fine leadership and ambassadorship they have shown the school since their arrival, and wishing them every success in the upcoming exams. 


The challenges of 2020 are well documented. Less so is the amazing response this cohort has shown in the face of such momentous challenges. We are all so proud of them, how they have supported one another, stayed the course, steered their way through difficulties with resilience and courage. 

Their collective achievements are many, varied and mostly exceptional, in group and individual competitions too many to individualise. It is indeed the extraordinary leadership that these students have brought to JMSS which has set them apart. It can be truly said of our leaders this year: COMETH THE HOUR, COMETH THE WOMAN, COMETH THE MAN. Wonderfully led by Captains Jackson McAloon and Emmylou Reeve, and Vice Captains Charlotte Gilley and Zach Elimelech, they have galvanised the student body, and the Year 12s in particular, into an awesome force. They have met the challenges head-on, and brought everyone with them. They have picked up all who stumbled, they have encouraged everyone to do their best and keep at it. In fact, ALL of our student Parliamentarians have done likewise, and the fact that the student body is in relatively such good shape now is largely due to its leadership.


The Class of 2020 leaves an impressive legacy indeed, but I am in no doubt that the current Year 10s and 11s will continue to build their own tradition of excellence and that the school will be in the best of hands over the next few years. On that note my sincere congratulations to Captains Felix Chung and Hannah Parkin, and Vice Captains Caitlin Lewis and Sascha Melnikov on their appointments. I am certain these students and the Class of 2021 will continue in the fine tradition of student leadership the school has had the benefit of for so many years now.


We Betchya Didn’t Know That…

Year 12 student Quang Ong recently won a Bronze Medal for Australia in the recent International Informatics Olympiad. Please enjoy his story, Quang is an exceptionally gifted mathematician, computer scientist and musician! I have also included a recent article published by the Department of Education and Training about Quang’s achievement.



Peter Corkill
