Parents and Friends

OLA Private Screening of The Lego Movie 2 

Join us as we take over the cinema at Event Cinemas Morley to enjoy The Lego Movie 2 - The Second Part, on Sunday 24 March. The much anticipated follow up to the first Lego Movie promises to be a load of fun and laughs, that all ages can enjoy. Tickets are $15 per person and can be purchased from the Trybooking link below. All money raised will help us fund the smart screen TVs in all the classrooms.


Family Fun Night - what a blast!

Thank you to everyone who came along to enjoy OLA's Family Fun Night last Friday. The event was so much fun, with kids (and adults!) bouncing from one activity to the next and digging in to the delicious foods that were on offer from the food trucks and the canteen!


As always though, an event like this doesn't happen without dedicated parents and staff, so please acknowledge the people in the list below who made the night happen:


The P&F Committee Natalee Cunningham, Felicity Lam, Laura Ocello, Katie Catena and Narelle Roberts. The Staff, especially Franco Arace and of course, the Leadership Team. Special mentions must go to two amazing school dads - Nathan Leber, who played live music throughout the entire event and Si Lam who installed all of the beautiful lights, helped by none other than Greg Martin's sons Nicholas and Christian! Special mention also to Amanda Cipriani who spent her Friday decorating the silent disco room, so that the kids would have a special space to dance in. Thank you also to the kids from Chisholm, Trinity, Servite and Mercedes Colleges, who gave up their Friday night to volunteer at this community event.


To all of the parents who helped out in one way or another, your efforts are truly appreciated. Thank you Amanda Cala, Josie Macri, Kathy Swavley, Gina Bastian, Mel Fisher, Steve McCubbin, Mark Lehmann, Sandford Rodericks, Rob and Luciana Di Ienno, Lisa and Wayne Bolton, Jade Pacecca, Fiona Macdonald, Michelle McCort, Amanda Reid and Skye Turner!


Footy Tipping 2019

If you are one of the few people who Cath McGrath didn't sign up at the Family Fun Night, then make sure you hop online ASAP to register for  OLA's AFL Footy Tipping Competition. First Prize is $1000! Entry is $50 and those who enter and pay before Friday 8 March will go in the draw to win a bottle of Monkey Shoulder Whiskey. As well as an amazing 1st prize, there's $500 up for grabs for 2nd prize and $250 for 3rd prize, along with weekly prizes of $25. Please use the link below to enter, and email Cath at if you have any queries.

Class Representatives

Thank you to all of the wonderful parents who have signed on to be a Class Representative. The P&F Committee is looking forward to working with you throughout 2019. A special mention to those parents who have taken on the role for multiple classrooms - we are so grateful for your efforts.

Contact Us

If you have anything you would like to discuss with the P&F you can contact us at or follow the school's Facebook Page for updates