Principal's Message

Weekly Prayer

Lord, help us to study and apply your Word to our lives each day. Help us make this a discipline of the mind and heart, empowered by Your Spirit, transforming us each day more and more into your likeness. Help us have self-awareness of when we’re falling into temptation and turn quickly back to you. Thank you for your tender mercy and love, ever leading us onward.


Sacraments at OLA

A reminder that enrolment forms for the Sacraments of Penance, Eucharist and Confirmation close on Friday 8 March. Father Ken will not accept enrolment forms after this date.


Commitment Masses will be held on Saturday 9 March at 6.00pm, Sunday 10 March at 7.30am, 9.30am or 5.00pm. All candidates are required to attend one of these masses and hand their commitment form to the OLA staff members who will be at the altar before the recessional hymn. Commitment forms do not need to be handed in with the enrolment form.

Spelling Mastery

As mentioned in previous newsletters, OLA is adopting the explicit spelling program, Spelling Mastery. The aim of the program is to raise student achievement in the area of spelling through the explicit teaching of strategies, spelling rules, graphemes (letters) and phonemes (sounds). Initial testing has been conducted and a Parent Information Session will be offered in Week 8, the day and time will be confirmed in next week's newsletter.

Thank You - Family Fun Night

What a wonderful night was had by all last Friday at the Family Fun Night. A HUGE thank you to the fantastic P&F and volunteers who made the night such a success. Thank you to all of the families, staff and vendors who attended the night. What a great way to celebrate the start of a new school year.

P&F Movie Afternoon

Please refer to the P&F page of this newsletter for information about The Lego Movie 2 - The Second Part fundraiser.

Parent - Teacher Interviews

This term, Parent - Teacher Interviews will be held on the following days:

Week 9

Monday 1 April - KG, 1G and 5M

Tuesday 2 April - KM and PPM

Wednesday 3 April - 3M and 4M

Thursday 4 April - 2M


Week 10

Monday 8 April - 1M, 3G and 4G

Tuesday 9 April - PPG, 5G and 6G

Wednesday 10 April - 6M

Thursday 11 April - 2G


During these meetings, families will receive an interim report of their child's progress. Online booking for the interviews will open closer to the time.

Pupil Free Day - Tuesday 5 March

Just a reminder that Tuesday 5 March is a Pupil Free Day for students. Staff will be attending a Professional Development Day facilitated by Brendan Spillane.

Ash Wednesday Mass

The OLA community is invited to join us to commemorate the start of Lent with Ash Wednesday Mass on Wednesday 6 March at 9am.

Adult Use of Toilets

Adults are requested to please use the toilets located in the Sr Goretti Hall at all times. As part of the OLA Code of Conduct, student toilets are to only be used by students. Thank you for your cooperation with this.

New Signage

After much anticipation, the new OLA signage has finally been completed. The location and modern design make OLA more visible to the wider Dianella community. Thank you again to the Marketing Sub-Committee for their tireless work with this exciting project.

Previous Newsletters

Previous newsletters are available on the OLA website. Although the site is under construction, this feature remains so that parents can access past information and notices.

Kindergarten Enrolments 2020

Placements for the Kindergarten positions will be finalised towards the end of Term 1 and the beginning of Term 2. If you haven't completed the enrolment forms for your child, please do so as soon as possible.

OLA Sport Carnival Protocols 

The Leadership Team together with Mrs Jodie Stewart and in consultation with CPSSA have formulated OLA's Sport Carnival Protocols. A copy of the protocols is attached below. 

Have a wonderful long weekend!


Mr Greg Martin
