Student led events

Junior School photography competition
Over the last two weeks, the Junior School Leadership team had organised and hosted an epic Photographic Competition. We encouraged students to take a bit of time off their screens, and improve their photography skills. This competition was open to all students in Years 7 and 8.
There were five categories in total, and students could enter more than once but only one photo in each category The categories were : aesthetics, food, family, pets or stuffed animals and nature.
We had great input and effort from students, and some fantastic photos. A huge thank you to all students who participated in the Junior School Photographic Competition. We received many amazing entries. It was definitely tough for us to make a decision on the winner of each category. The winners are:
Theme | Year 7 | Year 8 |
Aesthetics | Harper S | Kathy G |
Food | Amy W | Grace H |
Family | Milla D | Holly S |
Pets | Poppy W | Jemimah S |
Nature | Poppy G | Madeleine F |
Keep an eye out for the next activity!
Rafaela S
Year 8 form captain
Middle School Freerice Challenge
Last week the Freerice Challenge started. Freerice is an online game that tests your knowledge, involves a bit of fun and gives you the opportunity to donate food. Thank you to those who have already joined. So far we have raised over 22 thousand grains of rice. Such an awesome effort.
But let’s aim higher:
Did you know, if everyone in our school answered one question in the challenge our school will raise a further 12 thousand more grains. That is enough to feed four families one meal.
There is one week left of the challenge as it ends on Friday 18 September. We would love to see more people from the MGSC community to join in. It is not about raising the most. It is about all of us working together to make a difference. The instructions on how to join are below.
How it works:
You donate 5 grains of rice for every correct answer. You donate your time to contribute to providing food and other resources via the World Food Programme to families in need.
To join:
Sign up using your school email.
Go to the groups tab and enter the code YRXT4NTW to join the MGSC Freerice Challenge.
We would love to see you all involved. You can contribute in a small way, but still have a huge impact.
To play the game:
Samantha M and Teah H
Middle School Captains
Mid-autumn festival
Congratulations Aiswarya F for your winning the poster to promote MGSC's Mid-autumn festival activities. You have gained 100 points for your House. All entries gain 50 points for the creator's House.
There will be more about our remote and online celebrations in term 4.
EAL Domain Leader & International Leader
Mini & Jessie
Mini S and Jessie N
International and EAL Domain Leaders