Student Leadership

Mentone Girls’ Secondary College educates students to achieve their highest potential, so they become self-directed, confident and skilled as they take their places in society. The College aims to be an exemplary provider of leadership opportunities for all students, ensuring that they become well-balanced and resilient young adults capable of sustaining strong and supportive relationships in a changing world, and contributing to society’s general well-being. The College community values resilience, respect and personal best.


The student leadership program reflects the need for all students to develop leadership skills and have opportunity to put these into practice. The development of student voice and agency whereby students and teachers create partnerships in the development of teaching and learning programs is one of the key goals of the College’ strategic plan. 


Earlier in the term, we had representatives from the Student Voice and Advocacy team attend staff Curriculum meetings to share feedback from the student cohort about the need for our students to be able to identify more with our curriculum. Several Domains have had students and teachers working together discussing the texts and character roles that may appear in 2021 programs. This partnership empowers our students to be part of the conversation and ensure that content remains relevant to our students.

2021 leadership roles

Students from Years 7 to 11 are currently being shown the updated process for applying for the various leadership positions for 2021. We have moved to a completely on-line process for applying for positions with just three forms to select from covering all positions. 

Students currently in Year 8-11 should have their completed application submitted no later than October 16 and Year 7s by early November. 


College Captains:

Current Year 7 can apply for Junior College Captain

Current Year 8 or 9 can apply for Middle School Captains

Current Year 11 can apply for College Captains

Link: College Captains App 2021.2.pdf  Download to edit


Teams Captains:

One Year 11 or 12 student will lead the team of students made up from all year levels. They will regularly liaise with staff support.

Link: Team Captains 11-12 App 2021.2.pdf Download to edit



Students from Year 7-11 use this form to apply for any teams positions. There are four positions available at each year level for every team. House positions 1 per House per year level. Performing Arts Year 4 x Year 12 One per House.

Link: 2021 Teams App V2.pdf  Download to edit


Forms must be downloaded to complete it and then email back to


Any queries, please contact:


Wendy Harvey

Director of Student Leadership & Engagement

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