School Council report

Resilience is a word that was rarely used when I was in high school, but oh my, is it being lived out in spades by everybody now. A major part of being resilient is identifying and acknowledging what we are grateful for in times of hardship and significant change. So, I thought I would write this contribution from School Council a little differently.


We are grateful that we have the technology and means to still meet as a School Council virtually to stay connected and keep the momentum going of all things that need attention at the school.


We are grateful that the school teachers have shown such great ability to be flexible with their teachings and keep all our young ladies on track and be there to guide them.


We are grateful that our students have adapted to this new way and acknowledge that it hasn’t been easy and continues to be challenging.


We are grateful that school maintenance has been able to be undertaken with such vigour that there will be countless newly painted surfaces providing a fresh look – something that having no students at school was able to achieve.


We are grateful that our behind the scenes school administration team are able to continue to keep working to ensure the internal workings of the school are well tuned and continue to facilitate teaching during this time.


We are grateful that we have all been able to be safe at home, in warm beds, food on the plate and streets to walk in and fresh air to breath in.


It goes without saying we have had a really hard time so far this year; personally, professionally and socially. It’s important to acknowledge it all, as well as, balance it with the many positives we are able to experience in the country we live in.


So on behalf of the School Council, thank you to all students, teachers, administration and maintenance teams, for keeping this large machine well oiled and operating to provide us all some kind of ‘normal’ and remaining agile to embrace what may come ahead of us.


Bernadette Gooda

School Council Member

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