Junior School News

I would like to thank the Junior School families for all of their work during Term 3 remote learning. We certainly appreciate everything you have done to support your daughter and acknowledge that it has been a challenging time. The students really rose to the challenges they faced with determination, a positive attitude and again showed resilience during this remote learning period. It is time for the students to have a break from the screens and spend some time relaxing. This could be cooking dinner or afternoon tea for the family, reading a book, listening to music, going for a walk or playing outside.
We hope all families can find some time to “switch off” before the final term of school commences.
Lunchtime Kahoot
This fortnight we have had another two successful lunchtime Kahoots.
Tuesday 8 September had a Musicals themed.
Congratulations to Molly K (7E - Melba) for winning followed by Holly M (8B - Mackellar) then Holly S (8A - Mackellar).
Tuesday 15 September was a One Direction Kahoot. It was a great turn out for the last for the term. Well done to all that were involved, even if you didn’t know much about One Direction. Congratulations to Ananya P (8B - Jackson) on winning the Kahoot, followed by Mrs Witt (apparently she didn’t know much about them...) and in third place Maddy T (8F - Mackellar).
The Masked Teacher - Round 2
We are up to our final round of the masked teacher!
Well done to Julia Le, Year 11, for guessing 5 out of 6 teachers correctly. Second place was a three way tie: Caitlyn Shawel, Trinity Taylor and Ava Collins guessing 4 out of 6 teachers correct. All of these girls were in 7A.
The answers for Newsletter issue #13 were:
Teacher 1 - Mrs Witt
Teacher 2 - Ms Erwin
Teacher 3 - Mr Veevers
Teacher 4 - Mrs Duggan
Teacher 5 - Mrs Gilbert
Teacher 6 - Ms Bretherton
More mysterious masked MGSC teachers.
Seven staff showing suspicious yet safe sartorial style.
Please record your guess - students or teachers - by using this Google form.
There will be prizes when we return to school. Good luck!
Emma Holman
Director of Junior School