Middle School News

Year 10 Careers Unit
In Term 4, students in Year 10 will be undertaking a Careers unit in Personal Learning.
They will prepare or review their resumes and cover letters to apply for a part-time job. They will learn about interviewing for a job and participate in an online interview.
The mock interviews will be run by qualified career consultants from the Skills and Jobs Centre. They will provide students with valuable insights and skills aimed at assisting them in applying for and securing jobs in the future.
We look forward to this great opportunity for the students. More information, including key dates will be sent to families in the coming weeks.
Year 9 Morrisby assessment
Year 9 students have now completed their Morrisby profiling. During week 2 of term 4 students will attend an individual online career counselling session with a Morrisby Career Consultant. The consultants will explain their career profile and provide guidance on their individual strengths, future subject choices and how to explore the various career options and tertiary study options suggested in their profile. Parents are also welcome to attend the virtual meetings.
Details about online meeting times and joining instructions will be sent to students and families in the coming weeks.
Amanda O'Hara
Acting Director of Middle School