Grevillea House

As Term 3 draws to a close, I reflect on the year so far, and whilst there have been enormous challenges to overcome, there have also been many unexpected rewards for both staff and our students.


In Grevillea House we have been exploring ways to keep our students engaged with their learning and connected to the school during this year of Remote and Flexible Learning. Our amazing coordinators, Ryan Anderson and Stephanie Ellison, have created a Grevillea House Padlet that staff and students have been using to post positive thoughts and comments. We have also been running our Green Chronicle competition for all of our students and will announce the winners from each year level early in Term 4.


 Whilst there are many programs that we haven’t been able to offer our students this year, some of our partners have provided online opportunities for our students.

  • A number of our Year 11 girls have completed the Focus Leadership program with the ABCN.
  • We have offered online support to our students through our University Partnerships.
  • Our Year 12 students have been supported by Deakin University, with information about pathways, scholarships and applying for the Special Entry Access Scheme (SEAS).
  • Our Year 8 and 9 students have attended an online expo which has enabled them to make informed choices about the subject selections for next year. They have been supported by Ms Ellison and Mr Anderson in this process.

Together with Melinda Pepprell, Danni Vrondou and I have been supporting Year 10 students with their course selections for next year. We have all been enormously impressed with the efforts that our students have made in researching their subjects and pathways. It has also been lovely to meet with many of our Year 10 parents albeit in an online space.


Finally, congratulations to all of our Grevillea community for the resilience, strength and fortitude that you have all shown in this, a truly unprecedented year. I hope that your term break is restful and that you have an opportunity to enjoy the sunshine. I look forward to being able to see you all in person in Term 4.


Stay safe and well and be kind to yourselves.


Vicky Argyropoulos

Grevillea House Leader