All In This Together

From Mr Phillips

In the coming week we are likely to have a clearer picture of what the arrangements for returning to school onsite looks like for Term 4. The announcements from the Victorian Premier on Sunday September 6th will provide the blueprint for the way forward. This will enable us to plan with more certainty for next term but clearly Year 12 will be prioritised so that our students can finish their final year in a timely manner. I am not expecting that all year levels will be able to resume at the same time following lockdown and that the restrictions will be gradually eased, with continuing COVID safe plans. Like you, I am eagerly awaiting the details.


The business of schooling still continues but clearly not as we normally experience at this time of the year. Our music students and staff are busily preparing items for our Gala concert which this year will be online and in October. The fabulous Art and Technology exhibition is also moving to a virtual event at the end of October. Both of these events will once again showcase the creative talents of our students. Further details about how to access both of these will be provided closer to the dates.


On Wednesday September 9th, as previously advised, we will be conducting Parent, Student and Teacher interviews via MS Teams between 11am and 7pm. Bookings close on Tuesday afternoon. The balance of the day is designed to be utilised by all students across Years 7 to 2 as a catch up day and formal classes will not be run online, nor will there be onsite supervision available for any approved students.


Life in COVID times can sometimes appear overwhelming. It is a rollercoaster ride full of ups and downs and twists and turns. In remote learning 2.0 you have discovered and learnt so much more about yourself and the world around you. You have discovered what it takes to succeed and how not to lose sight of what’s important. As you approach the end of term 3, continue to take good care of yourself and be grateful for the little things and all the small gains that you are making. There is still lots that you can learn by taking on ideas that you would not normally consider.


I would like to wish you all a great week ahead as we enjoy some warmer spring weather, albeit with a few storms thrown into the mix. I am sure we can continue to handle whatever comes our way, by remaining positive, smiling a lot and thinking about the reality that better times await.


Michael Phillips, OAM


The End of Term is Coming

As we find ourselves eight weeks down and fast approaching the end of term, it is important to continue to find ways to remain focused and motivated in our learning. Looking after ourselves is really important to allow us to succeed during this point in remote learning. 


I encourage students to continue to have routine in their day. This can include consistently beginning each school day by 8:50am and checking all their Compass lessons. Being prepared for the day ahead will help students effectively manage their time . It is important for students to not remain in the same location all day, so regular breaks between lessons and sometimes a change of scenery can help to look after their wellbeing throughout each day. Engaging in regular exercise, eating healthy, remaining well hydrated and having consistent sleeping habits will also be great assistance to help look after ourselves. 


As always, the teachers and staff at Ringwood Secondary College are here to support students. Students should continue to communicate regularly with their teacher (via MS Teams or email), especially if assistance or clarification is required in order to complete set work and required tasks. Students and parents can also contact their relevant House Coordinator if and when needed. Our staff are continuing to work hard to support all students in their learning and wellbeing throughout these times.


Ringwood Secondary College Year 7-10 parent teacher interviews are being held next week on Wednesday 9th September. Please take this opportunity to connect with your child’s teachers to discuss how we can work together to best support their learning during these uncertain times. There will be no scheduled lessons will be running on Wednesday. This can provide a fantastic opportunity for students to catch-up on any incomplete work and/or take the opportunity to revise and prepare for upcoming assessments. As always, students are encouraged to be active participant in the parent teacher interviews and contribute in the discussions about their learning.


Continue playing your role for the community by being vigilant and abiding by the current COVID-19 restrictions. I’m sure we are all eagerly awaiting the Premier’s announcement this Sunday regarding what future restrictions in Victoria will be...


Matt Tucker

Acting Assistant Principal



The RSC Heritage and Alumni group is proud to again offer VCE Scholarships to selected Year 10/11 students seeking to extend their learning into 2021.


Information will be on the website along with an application form to be completed and returned to RSC no later than Friday 16th October 2020.


These scholarships are especially referenced for students with a community spirit and a willingness to exert oneself against a challenge.


Application forms are available from the college by contacting the college on 9870 2002.

Interviews will be held in October and we invite you to consider applying.


It is the contribution of funds by former RSC/RHS students that make this scholarship offer possible.


Barry Ring

Heritage and Alumni Group