Kids Corner 

Some of the wonderful work being done at home

Spring Day activities by Grade 1




The Honorable Katie Allen, Federal Member for Higgins* discusses politics with MPS Grade 6 students  

On Friday September 11th we were extremely fortunate to have Dr. Katie Allen, the Federal Member for Higgins, take some time out of her extremely busy schedule, to join the Grade 6’s via WebEx for a discussion on her career and some topical political issues. 


Dr Allen opened with some brief comments on her career as a General Practitioner (GP) of Medicine and then as a medical researcher. Dr. Allen told us that she moved from being a GP into the field of research as she believed that she could help more people as a researcher than she could as a GP.


Dr Allen’s career then evolved into politics after spending some time as an advisor to various politicians. After realising that she could have a broader impact on the health and wellbeing of Australians, Dr Allen moved to a full-time career in politics. 

After her opening remarks, Dr Allen answered some challenging questions from the Grade 6’s with openness and transparency, which was most appreciated by the students. 

Here are some of the more interesting questions and answers from the Q&A: 


Q: Isaac S “On a scale from 1-10, how stressful is your job?”

A: Dr. Allen “Whilst, it certainly can be stressful at times, on the whole I don’t find it stressful because I remind myself every day that I am doing something that I love, also, I am confident in my ability to perform the role.”

Q: Various: “How do you handle the stress and anxiety of public speaking?”

A: Dr. Allen: “The best way I find to handle my stress and anxiety is by spending time with others and by exercising. My dog also helps to keep me in a good mood and cheer me up.” 


On behalf of all of the Grade 6’s I would like to thank Mrs. Lee for organizing the event and for Katie  Allen MP for taking the time to talk with us.


Finn M 6SL

Katrina Jane ‘Katie’ Allen*  is an Australian politician and former medical researcher who has been a member of the House of Representatives since the 2019 federal election. She is a member of the Liberal Party and represents the Division of Higgins in Victoria. 

Source: Wikipedia