Library News & Careers Corner
Year 12 Library Books and Class Texts
With Year 11 starting Year 12 work next Term, we are reminding current Year 12 students of the importance of bringing their texts for a particularly course back immediately after they complete the exam for that subject so that they can be distributed to the next cohort of students.
NSW Government Stay Healthy HSC Hub
The NSW Government has launched a handy online hub to help Year 12 Students stay healthy in this busy time. There are also tips for sitting exams.
Some reflections of Year 12's around the state on their 2020 experience:
UNI OF NEWCASTLE - inspiration ED
HSC Workshops are available during the holidays. Use code OCT2020.
NSW Job Vacancies
The following document shows statistics on jobs advertised and qualifications required for the months of June and July 2020. A very useful tool when making choices about what careers to choose. Click on the button to access the document.
TAFE for Year 12's 2020
TAFE in Armidale has a careers advisor who can give guidance on what courses are compatible with future careers.
Holiday Spring Cleaning
Over the holidays, could all students please check that there are no overdue Library books or textbooks at home. If so, please return week 1 of Term 4. Thank you.
New Books
The Library regularly purchases new titles. We have been pleased to have so many students borrowing recently thanks to a recent focus on reading for pleasure by our College English faculty. We love hearing what they think of the books they read.
TAFE - Be inspired
There is plenty on offer at TAFE NSW.
School of Creative Design - University of Newcastle
At the School of Creative Industries, we are animators, communicators, musicians, performers, artists, designers and so much more.
Our precinct in the Newcastle CBD – comprised of NUspace, the Conservatorium of Music, University House and Northumberland House (Watt Space Gallery) – provides state-of-the-art facilities to more than 2,000 students.
We deliver innovative experiences across design, filmmaking, animation, music, journalism, dance, drama, games design, and art. Our School also offers music production suites, performing arts and visual communication spaces, and cutting-edge design and creative arts facilities.
Creative Industries students recently produced the video for the 'Living End's' new single 'Not like the other boys' which can be viewed by clicking below.
If you have not done so, you may be interested in the following career website, which the CSO pays our licence to use.
Register through the button : I'm new.
School is oconnor. Password is yaks. You will be remembered after first registering.
University Early Entry Dates
The following article offers a summary of important dates relevant to University early entry.
Other important UAC information has been placed on Google classroom by Mrs Channon.
UNE Early Entry
For more information on early entry at UNE, click on the link below.
UNE early entry applications close Friday 25 September 2020.
Newcastle Uni COVID Adjustment points
Australian Defence Force (ADF) Gap Year Applications Open
Free access to World Book online!
Students can access World Book Encyclopedia online. The subscription has been covered, so it is free to access for students and staff of the College.
To access:
Via our school website, go to Parent Student Information > Student Information > Oliver. Oliver is the Library catalogue. Once you get to Oliver, the final step is to click or 'Orbit' which is a button at the top right corner and then the link to 'World Book Online'. Happy researching!
Study Medicine at Charles Sturt University
Supplementing the College library's hard copy book collection, students have access to over 2000 e-books (electronic books) through our online library catalogue.
It is as easy as going to the following link:
This can also be found on the College webpage in the 'student links' dropdown menu. The Catalogue is called 'Oliver'.
If they are not already logged into the CSO Portal, there will be a prompt to login to the CE-NET Authentication Portal (CSO Firewall). Students can either search 'e book' in the search box or, search a book directly.
UAC DATES (University Admissions Centre)