Stage 2 News 


On Friday Week 9 (3S and 3 / 4G) and Friday Week 10 (4R and 4J), Stage 2 students will be having an incursion based on our Science unit ‘Living World’. Children will complete tasks with teachers from Rumbalara Education Centre. There will be no cost to students and as we aren’t leaving school grounds no permission note is required. The children will love the activities on this learning day. We would like to thank the Rumbalara teachers who have made this happen for us during this COVID period!

Project Based Learning

Stage 2 students have been given a Project Based Learning task to research a chosen plant/ insect/ animal as part of our Science unit ‘Living Worlds’. Children can research their living thing through the internet or books and present their findings to the class in Week 9 and 10, in their chosen way. We will hold a walk through in Stage 2 classrooms in Week 10 to view all the wonderful learning!


What's Happening in 4R?

This term, 4R have learnt how to use the area model strategy to work out large multiplication questions involving multiplying by more than one digit. 4R students grasped this concept with ease and had a lot of fun playing around with different numbers. We also learnt how to use division to check our multiplication answers!