Specialist News

Term 3 

Physical Education 

I want to say a huge thank you to all the students in Years 1-6 who took the opportunity to reflect on their PE learning from this term. I was very glad to see that the majority of experiences were positive! 

As it is the last week of term, in this week's PE lessons I will be posting a number of 'Minute to Win It' challenges that students of all ages can participate in. I definitely encourage families to join in on the fun. The sort of materials you might want to have on hand are -

  • biscuits or cookies
  • straws
  • balloons
  • stackable cups
  • coins
  • M&Ms
  • ping pong balls

There will also be challenges that just need straight forward household items or no equipment at all!

Physical Education Awards

Senior: Ninad R (5/6C)

Ninad, you have demonstrated a great love of learning this week in PE, using HomeCourt as a tool to develop your dribbling abilities with both your left and right hands. You are now able to dribble the ball while keeping your eyes up and switch hands quickly. Keep up the amazing work!


Junior: Sophie C (1/2P)

Sophie, despite some frustrating iPad issues, you have been able to continually showcase your skills all term. This week you showed off your bouncing abilities, being able to control the ball with both hands and even keep your eyes up! You are a star!

Visual Arts

As the term draws to its close, our Senior Students will complete feedback and evaluation tasks in the last week. Our Junior Students will do a similar task and will be provided with a simple enjoyable resource-friendly art task to cap off the Remote Learning for Term 3.  We will run an Art Kahoot game for years 3-6 in our last session. 

Once again a very big thank you to all parents and caregivers who facilitated learning experiences at home making it possible for students to experience rich and deep learning and a extra big shout out for those who found it hard to juggle all balls and persevered nonetheless. Our Senior Students completed some absolutely stunning monochromatic assemblages - Samanvi's work in 3/4 K was an absolute stand out - however there were many other excellent uploads too numerous to mention.  Our Junior Students created spoons with  whimsy and delight - see below.

Visual Arts Awards

Senior: Juliet O (5/6SB)

For consistently applying herself to all art tasks with a willingness to learn, to extend herself, to try something new and to challenge herself. Juliette, your ability to put your best foot forward in this subject allowed you to generate a number of projects that have been completed to a very high standard, showing your considerable creativity, perseverance and careful aesthetic judgement. A very proud effort.


Junior: Jessica C (1/2H) 

For her sensational mermaid spoon that she decorated with her customary flair and eye for detail. She demonstrated pride in her work and completed this task to her personal best. Jessica, you demonstrate a love for learning and appreciating of beauty on a regular basis and you never cease to impress me with your creativity and talent.

Samanvi 3/4 k
Samanvi 3/4 k

Performing Arts

As we reach the end of Term 3, I look back at what the students have achieved over the term.  And I am in awe, of work they have done and the resilience they have shown in the face of adversity. 

I was blown away with the Year 5/6 monologue performances last week, with the focus that students put into their characters. This video of Ella shows her performing a monologue in character. Super work!

The Year 3/4 students dazzled me with not only their creativity but their musical ability.  This video of Vanessa, shows her performing her own music composition with household objects.  What a star!

The Year 1/2 students had time to reflect on their learning and I cant wait to share their class Fairytales this week.  Foundation students reflected upon their learning by answering questions about their performances from this term. Each child recorded themselves speaking directly to the camera, thinking deeply about which activity they enjoyed, which task they found difficult, and which emotion they liked performing and why. I congratulate all Foundation students for their honesty and thoughtful analyses. 


In assembly last week we heard the Senior Choir perform 'The Little Things'.  A song about what is important in our lives right now and enjoying those moments.  The students in the choir shared videos of themselves doing the activities that they have enjoyed during isolation.  A big thank-you to Mrs Yana Gill for sharing her beautiful voice for the choir to sing along with. 

New Whole School

I can not think of a better way to end the term, then dancing!! Everyone join in!

Performing Arts Awards - 

Senior: Ella S (5/6SB)

For demonstrating outstanding acting ability, focus and commitment to the character when performing her monologue.  Amazing work! 

Junior: Lahin C (1/2BR)

For your well-prepared and insightful responses to this week’s reflective task. You spoke with confidence, clarity and honesty. Also, you have shown judgement and wisdom in your analysis, and should feel very proud of yourself. Well done!


Selamat siang!

This has been a week of choice for the students and a week of delights as a teacher. Students have dived into cultural exploration this week, by exploring Indonesian games, folktales, native animals, rice farming, artistic depictions of landscapes, masks, weaving and so much more! I highly encourage you to explore this artistik dan kreatif expression of culture and learning from our students!

Sampai nanti,

Bu Marissa Mundy

Indonesian Awards

Senior: Iris T (3/4M)

For transporting the viewer to a beautiful sunset on an Indonesian beach - you showed outstanding detail when creating an Indonesian landscape with pastel. What an incredible way to complete our Indonesian Art topic! Hebat!

Junior: Sophie C (1/2P)

For creating an incredibly detailed two-page recreation of the folktale Kancil dan Pak Tani (Mouse-deer and the Farmer) in comic form. Bagus sekali!