Discovery Centre


Selamat Siang! Welcome to the last week of term 3! Thank you again for your continued support throughout this challenging term, we are so grateful for your hard work this term! This week we look forward to celebrating the end of term with a social catch up on Zoom on Wednesday at 1pm for all Foundation students. We will have some music, dancing and games (the zoom link will be sent out this week via Sentral and Seesaw). 

In Literacy last week it was fantastic to see so many students engaged with our writing tasks including an imaginative recount about going outside into your backyard. The creative ideas we read about in the imaginative recounts were so interesting and entertaining. In our other writing task last week students wrote a letter to a staff member at MPRPS. It was a highlight of our week to be able to pass these letters on to various people at school including Sue, Ally, Mrs Streitberger, Miss Nelson, Al, Kelly-Anne, Julie, Treesje and Rob. We are so proud of the students and the letters they wrote to help brighten someone's day. We know that the staff members who received these letters really appreciated it! 

In Maths we focused on location and using key words around this topic, such as beside, behind, in front of, above and behind. Students participated in lots of hands on and engaging activities where they were required to use and interpret location key words such as moving objects around in a virtual garden, playing I Spy and making a treasure map. 

Through the Choosing Board students engaged in activities focused on Wellbeing, Guided Inquiry and Indigenous Perspectives. Some students chose to complete science experiments, coding or playing Indigenous games. 


Student Voice

Thursday was R U OK? Day. We asked students to check in on their families and to think about who they feel safe to talk to when they are feeling sad or worried.

  • Donovan FD - "I feel comfortable talking to my mum"
  • Tattva FD - "When I'm feeling sad, nervous or scared I talk to my mum"
  • Princess FD - "I can talk to my mum or dad"
  • Sahil FD - "At home I feel comfortable talking to my sister, at school I like talking to Miss Dawson"


  • Foundation Social Zoom - Wednesday 1pm
  • You can access the codes folder to hear and practise the codes with your students' teacher.
  • 'Tuning in' and 'Challenge' tasks are optional. These are provided for students and families who are ready for some additional learning tasks.
  • We encourage you to adapt tasks to support or challenge your child as you see fit. For example, the task may ask for three sentences, but your child may be capable of more. Likewise, your child may be capable of one and that is okay too.
  • If your child will be absent from learning or Google Meet sessions, please notify your classroom teacher or the office as usual.

Pupil of the Week

FD: Kai-Ern Y -

For demonstrating a love of learning and perseverance in writing tasks. You have tried your best and approached writing with a positive attitude and you have worked so hard towards your writing goals. Amazing work Kai-Ern! 


FG: Ollie M -

For demonstrating a love of learning when participating in small group discussions and reading groups. You have worked hard to share great ideas with your peers and explain your learning. Well done Ollie!  


FH: Lucas M -

For using zest when responding to choosing board and maths activities this week! Your videos and matching dress ups, have been creative and entertaining! Keep up the arr-mazing work matey!


FJ: Harrison C -

For demonstrating a love of learning during writing tasks. You have been working hard to set writing goals and show a great focus on working towards those goals. Keep up the hard work Harrison!