From Our Students


Whole School Performance

On Friday 13 March, every year level performed a aerobics routine choreographed by Let's Get Moving.

Ellie Watts and her team were just amazing at getting everything organised for the day and remembering every year level's dance.

A special thanks goes out to the Year 6 helpers who helped the preps with their costumes, dance and pack up. The students had 3 lessons of 45 minutes to learn their fabulous routines. Students had access to aerobics steps for their dance that they would incorporate in the routine. Each year level had a prop; some included rubber balls, aussie flags, tambourines, hats and sunnies. There was even a surprise… The parents joined in! It has been hilarious to see our visitors busting out their moves in front of us. A big thanks to Bendigo Bank for funding this and supporting their local school.

Thank you to the parents for taking time out of their day to come and watch, to Ellie Watts and her team at Let's Get Moving for making this all possible, to Bendigo Bank for finding this, to the teachers for using class time to practise and  finally, the Year 6 helpers.

Report by Chantelle - 6S