GEKA Glover Street

Lockdown Activity Reflection 

Sarah-Jane, GEKA Glover Street Kindergarten, Parent Reflection 


My name is Sarah-Jane, I am mum to Alannah, known to everyone as Lani who is in 4 year old kindergarten at GEKA Glover Street. Lani loves going to kindergarten especially to see her teachers, ride the tricycles, paint and play with her friends.


When the first lockdown started in March Lani felt a bit sad and was worried about who was going to take care of Rosie the class turtle. Picking up the learning at home bags was very exciting and helped us adapt. Lani was proud she had her own special activities as she was watching her big sister Evie start online school learning. Having activity prompts was really helpful to plan the days for Lani a bit better around online learning and work. Lani called these her 'magical' bags and her favourite activities were collecting bits of nature from the backyard and local parks to use with her playdough and clay, cooking, reading the special kindergarten books and doing some home experiments. 

I am an essential worker and have been busy during both lockdowns while Lani's Dad John who usually travels for work has now been at home.  John loves gardening so being in the backyard more and taking over some household chores been the best thing for both our girls. I think it has given them a sense of purpose to their days since life has changed so much. Lani has loved picking veggies from our garden, planting seedlings, collecting worms, mowing the lawn, feeding and taking care of her pet dog and chickens. Having this extra time with Dad is something I know we will look back on and be really grateful for. 

We have enjoyed getting out for walks and bike rides as I was concerned about Lani's stamina missing out on full kindergarten plus daycare days. We have met up with Olivia, Lani's friend from kindergarten, for the allowed 1 hour of exercise which includes lots of tree climbing while the playgrounds are closed. Olivia's mum Ana & I were commenting on how great it is the kids have engaged with nature so much more at the park since the playgrounds have been closed as they are forced to find other ways to play. 

There have been many benefits to slowing down as a family. Creating a new routine of family games and restaurant night (takeaway served on a decorated table) has given the girls something to plan and look forward to. I have noticed Lani doing more for herself purely because we aren't rushing. She now can do the small buttons up on her pyjamas, get dressed and put on her own shoes and socks plus she now makes her own cereal and toast. Lani has also mastered working the TV remote as we have had to relax on screen time and have had many days during winter of PJs and movies. I am going to try and hold on to creating more space and time for these simple things as life slowly returns to normal. 


We can't wait to get back to kindergarten though and I definitely appreciate the importance of social interaction and the amazing work our teachers do to facilitate meaningful play experiences for our children. 

From Lani & Sarah-Jane