Senior Years and Wellbeing 


I’m sure that we are all trying to get our heads around lots of different areas at the moment: parenting and remote learning, technology and the upsides and pitfalls, our emotional wellbeing and the wellbeing of kids…the list goes on!

This week I thought I would share with you some excellent resources that have been put together in a blog post by Michelle Mitchell, an Australian educator, author and parenting advocate. The blog post is called ‘Top Pick Resources for Tweens and Teens during COVID-19’ and has information and links relating to topics such as:

  • General Parenting
  • Purpose Built Conversations
  • Things to Entertain young people
  • Ways to keep moving- exercise links and tips
  • Connecting during isolation- ways for young people to safely connect with others

There is an Edition 1- which you can also explore on Michelle’s website.

I think an important element of the weeks ahead will be to encourage our young people to do their best. Teachers, including me, are also feeling overwhelmed with this new way of teaching and learning. Taking a break, a deep breath and being flexible is the best way forward.

Please know that I am available to students during this time for wellbeing support, I have already been in phone contact with a number of students regarding difficulties that they are facing. It is an unprecedented time, with no correct or right answers. Students (or parents) can send me an email and I will do my best to be in contact as soon as possible. If I can’t directly help, I will ensure there is someone who can answer your questions or point you in the right direction. 

Remember, we are all in this together. Reach out for support if you are having a rough time.


Kate Couchman

Student Counsellor